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After Jessica and Danny got married they spent a few weeks in Minnesota. Jessica worked from home. That was the beauty of her new position. She didn't have to be in the office all the time. After spending time with family and friends Jessica and Danny took a trip to the Dominican Republic. A few months back Jessica's publisher had offered her a trip so she could get new images for a new book. Luckily as Danny and Jessica were leaving to go back home he had called, bringing up the offer. There was more to it this time, they were going to go with people doing mission work for children and families in need. The two of them spent the rest of the summer up to September doing mission work in the Dominican. Danny was able to team up with doctors that were on the mission trip and give what he could to those who needed medical assistance. Jessica did more than take pictures. She teamed up with a few women who helped small children that did not have mothers or fathers.
They were surrounded by wonderful and generous people who they became very close to. They also were able to connect well with families and help those who needed it. It really opened their eyes to how lucky and fortunate they were. Jessica gained more then images for her book, she gained a whole new life experience. That experience was with her husband.


Now they were both back home in New York. It was their first time back home in over two months. It felt good to be home and back into the groove of things. Danny started working again. Jessica was now working from the office. It both took them awhile to adjust being home. Jessica was quickly drowning in work, so was Danny. On top of it all, lots of their friends wanted to see them and catch up but they weren't able to find the time of day yet.

After a long day of work Danny came home to Jessica who was in her studio looking through pictures from their trip. It was the first time she was really able to sit down and look at them after a week of being home.

"Hello, Love." Danny says walking into the studio. He sat beside Jessica at her desk and looked at her computer screen.

"Finally looking through the pictures?" He smiles

"Yeah, David wants me to send him over at least fifty edited pictures for the book by the end of the week." Jessica says in distress. She rubs her temples then sighs.

"This soon?"

"I guess they want to get the book on a roll. I have to write the captions with them too. I'm drowning in work!" She whines

"How was work today?"

"New interns are getting on my nerves. I have to help with training. Not only do I have this book draft to get done, but I have college students to deal with." Jessica says shutting her computer.

"I know you can do it." He says with confidence

"I know I can do it, I just don't know how sane I'll be in the end." She chuckles. Jessica turns to Danny and takes his hands. She leans forward and kisses him passionately.

"I miss you during the day... for the last few months I've been so used to spending everyday with you." Jessica says running her hand down his chest.

"We can spend some time together now."

"Can we make our time together right now a bit more... I don't know... exciting?" Jessica says looking down at his pants.

"I don't know... are you up for a lil fun?" He says

Jessica grabs onto Danny's belt and bites her lip. "I think so." She smirks.

Jessica and Danny both stand up and slowly walk over to the two large beanbags in the corner of Jessica's studio. The corner was decorated with lights, pillows, and blankets.

Jessica quickly undoes Danny's buckle and pulls down his pants. He quickly takes off his shirt and Jessica's as well. Jessica slides off her pants. Danny looks at Jessica from head to toe. She had red lingerie on which caught Danny's eyes.

"So I see you've been ready all day?" He says cupping her breasts.

"You know it baby." Jessica says grabbing his face and kissing him passionately.

Danny picks up Jessica from the ground and she wraps her legs around his. He slowly lowers her onto the ground so her body was laying comfortably on the pillows and blankets. He sits up on top of her and holds onto her hips.

"My wife is so beautiful." He says gazing at her beautiful figure.

Jessica blushes then reaches for Danny's growing bulge. He watches her hand slowly move back and forth.

He leans back down and kisses her body.

Then Danny slowly slides off Jessica underwear and kisses what the underwear once covered.

Jessica puts her hands up to her chest and holds her breast. She moans softly and closes her eyes. She slides her bra straps off her shoulder and unbuckles the bra. She throws it across the room and Danny looks up.

"Mmm." He hums

Danny slides off his underwear and moves his body so that is lined up with Jessica. He slowly enters inside of her causing Jessica to moan loudly.

She grabs onto his triceps as he moves back and forth. She bites her lip and looks into Danny's eyes.

Danny groans as he picks up the pace and goes a bit faster. Jessica was quickly reaching her climax as he went faster and faster. Just before she did, Danny slowed down and went slow. His lips touched hers for a while until she broke away and reached her climax.

"Oh my god, Danny." She says grabbing onto him.


The two lovers laid on the floor of Jessica's studio wrapped in blankets with soft pillows supporting their heads. The lights that Jessica had going around the studio lit up the dark room.

"You are amazing." Danny says breathlessly

"You are too. You are more than amazing." She says as she moves her naked body closer to his.

"Can we just ditch the whole bed thing and sleep here all night?" Danny says

"I'd be okay with that."


Danny slowly begins to close his eyes and Jessica does as well.

As the two of them slowly fall into a deep sleep they were both awaken by a forceful few knocks on their front door. It startled the two of them.

"My god, who could it be? What time is it?" Jessica whines

Danny checks his watch. "Eleven pm..."

"We are naked! Oh my god!" Jessica says

"Let's just see if they go away."


Danny throws his head back and sighs.

"Whoever it is, they are very anxious for us to answer. Make yourself decent, we have visitors." Jessica quickly stands up. She tries to find her shirt and pants that were scattered around the studio, forgetting about her underwear and bra.

She slid on her sweater and leggings then ran to the door. They continued to knock.

"I'm coming... I'm coming." She says running faster

Jessica swings open the door and her eyes widen when she sees Sarah with multiple bags with her and little Aspen in her arms.

"Sarah, what are you doing here so late?"


Sorry for jumping ahead so far!! But I have lots of ideas that I want to reach, so I skipped over the summer:)

And writing love scenes is a bit out of my comfort zone so this was wasn't that good. I just thought one once in a while can't hurt 😂😂

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