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Reading that letter hit Jessica hard. She got this pain in her heart and was overwhelmed with guilt.

Reading it made her realize how lucky she really was and how Danny deserved more then a letter. He is such a good man and did so much for Jessica.

Jessica remembers the day perfectly. Sarah's parents were helping Jessica and Sarah move to New York. Jessica had kept it a secret that she was moving from most of her family. She hadn't seen Danny much a few weeks prior to moving. Jessica insisted that they talked and met at the rock the day she left so she could tell him. They decided on a time. But Jessica was too nervous, she wrote the letter and went to the lake a few hours early. She set the letter underneath a smaller rock on a large sitting rock. She left it there and Danny found it. She couldn't face Danny.

Now that Jessica looks back on everything she did that summer, it makes her feel like a horrible person. Her whole family deserved more.

Jane came into Jessica's room and saw her laying on the bed crying.

Jessica didn't know what to do with the letter. She shoved it in her pocket and wiped her tears.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jane says

"Yea. Sorry, I'll be ready in a second."

"Okay, Lillian and I will wait in the car." Jane nods and walks downstairs.

Jessica changes her clothes and takes the varsity jacket with her.


When they got to the place they were eating lunch Dorthy, Ann, the kids, and George all were waiting for them at a table.

Jessica was a bit pre occupied. The summer she left kept replaying in her head. Durning the beginning of lunch she didn't talk much.

"Are you excited to go home?" Dorthy asks trying to snap Jessica out of her day dream.

"Hmm?" Jessica says

"Are you excited to go home, to New York?" Ann says

"Oh, yea. I'm excited. I miss it." She smiles.

With her finger, Jessica traces the flowers on the table cloth.

Jane gives Dorthy, Ann, and George a strange look. They knew something was up.

"Hey kids, why don't you go play in the little kids area with Kali while we wait for our food?" Ann says

The kids stand up. "Wanna come aunt Jessie?" Paige says

"No thank you, Paige."

"Are you sad?" Quinn walks up to Jessica.

"No! I'm just fine, honey." She giggles

The kids nod and run off.

"Okay Jessica, what is it?" George says after they leave.

Jessica widens her eyes and shrugs her shoulders.

"Jessie, you can talk to us." Jane says looking at Jessica.

"I owe you all an explanation." Jessica straightens her shoulders.

Everyone's attention was focused on Jessica.

"Jess, you're scaring me. Did you kill someone or something?" Ann says leaning over the table.

"God Ann, no." Jane says

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