Catch Up

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Jessica's heart raced quickly. Her hands got sweaty. She couldn't breath. It has been forever since Jessica had spoke to Daniel Huston.

Daniel Huston, the man she planned to marry. The man she planned to run away with and just be happy. Go to the same college, be by each others side forever, get married, and have children.

That all went away when Jessica's father had passed.That week, was the worst week of her life. She couldn't bare to face Danny, let alone anyone. She had avoided him for weeks, but he stood by. Then, Jessica left. She never talked to him again. She only left a single note.

Jessica always beat herself up for doing that to Danny. He never deserved it. He was so good to her, he truly loved her.

Jessica grew the courage to say something.

"Daniel Huston?" Jessica says enthusiastically

"It's you, my god! How long has it been?" Danny runs up to Jessica and smiles. He gives her a hug, and Jessica hugs back.

But she was shocked, that Danny was so open armed and happy to see her, after everything.

"Five years" Jessica nods

"Wow... It's nice to see you. You look great."

"Thank you, Danny. You look good yourself." Jessica smiles as moves up in line, Danny follows.

"Are you visiting?"

"Yes, but just for a few days."

"Ahh, very nice."

"Next!" The cashier yells

Jessica looks at the cashier than back at Danny.

"I better get going." Jessica giggles

"Okay... I'll see you around Jessica."

Jessica moved up and watched Danny walk away. She saw him hang his head down low. Jessica's heart ached. She still carried around a lot of guilt from how she left Danny.

Jessica walked out to Jane's car and started putting the groceries away. Jessica herd a cart being pushed towards her. She turned around, it was Danny, again.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Jessica giggles looking at Danny who was out of breath.

"Jessica, I want to catch up. I mean only if you want to, we don't have to. It could be a simple coffee date or, I don't know-" Danny starts to ramble and get nervous.


"If you don't want to I get it, I mean your boyfriend might not like it, but-"

"I would like to catch up."

"Really?" Danny stops and takes a deep breath.

"Yes... I would really like that." Jessica nods and chuckles at Danny. He was shocked.

"Great... Maybe we can go get some lunch up the street?"

"I can't right now, Jane is waiting for her groceries." Jessica looks at the trunk filled with bags then back at Danny.

"Oh, okay. Did you want to swap numbers?" Danny pulls out his phone.

Jessica gives him his number and she smiles, closing the trunk.

"Great, well I'll text you later today, maybe we could plan something." Danny closes his phone and smiles.

"Great. I should get going, bye Danny."

"Bye, and you look amazing."

"Thank you." Jessica says softly

Danny starts to walk away and Jessica watches him.

"And Daniel, I don't have a boyfriend."

Danny stops and turns around.


"You said my boyfriend might not like it. I don't have a boyfriend."

Danny became really happy, she he didn't show it.

"Well, I don't have a girlfriend. So we don't have to worry about upsetting people."

"I guess so"


On the way back to Jane's, Jessica couldn't stop smiling. Wow, it felt good to finally talk to Daniel. He always brought a smile to Jessica's face. But she was definitely nervous for lunch. She didn't know how he would act. If he would bring up the past. She didn't really want him to.

When she got home Jane sat outside with the baby.

"Hello, I missed you little girl!" Jessica says picking up Lillian from Jane's arms.

"Thanks for getting some stuff for me!" Jane smiles

"No problem. I'll help you unload."

"No worries, I can do it."

Jane walked towards the car and Jessica followed her.

"Jane, do you remember Danny?" Jessica says quickly

Jane stopped and turned around giving Jessica a funny look. "What kind of question is that?"

"I don't know..."

"Of course, he was basically over our house every single day."

"Hah, yea..." Jessica blushes

"So, what about Danny?" Jane starts grabbing groceries and taking them inside.

"I ran into him today. He wants to catch up."

"You should go."

"I'd like too, but I'm nervous."

"Why? I thought you guys both decided to end things senior year. It's not like you had some kind of big fight."

But that's the thing, nobody knew how it really did end between Jessica and Danny. Only Jessica and Danny know.


Okay, so now the story is going to start getting more interesting! What story do you guys want me to update next? Comment!

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