Everyone Loves Eden

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After a few days of being home and settling in Jessica wanted everyone to come over for dinner. All of Danny's siblings were in town to meet the baby so she wanted an excuse to have a little get together with everyone. All of her nieces and nephews were coming as well. The warm weather was coming to an end shortly so that gave Jessica another excuse to let people get use out of the pool and lake. She just wanted to have a fun filled day with everyone.

Jessica wasn't exactly up for all the cooking but she was able to go on a quick trip to the store to get some small things for everyone, pre-made of course. Dorthy and the baby came along and Dorthy helped pick out some things to eat as well.

They went back home and set everything up. There wasn't lots to do because it was just a very casual get together.

Eden had her nap and was nursed before anyone arrived. Jessica knew she'd be hungry again and most likely fall asleep after her nap anyways, but she didn't want her to be fussy.

"Look how cute you are little Eden. You have the cutest little outfit today, don't you?" Jessica lays Eden down on the bed and sits beside her. Eden looked up at her mother with wide eyes.

From a distance Dorthy was watching by the door. Over the last few days Dorthy had seen a side of Jessica that she had never seen before. She was beyond happy. The way Jessica was with the baby was so beautiful to Dorthy.

"Jessie, some people are here." She says

Jessica gets up and takes Eden with her. "Are you ready to meet daddy's brothers and sisters, and your cousins?" Jessica says enthusiastically

Then, Eden begins to scream and cry. Jessica pouts and begins to lighting bounce her in her arms.

"We will be down in a moment. Little lady is a bit fussy after eating."

Dorthy walks over to Jessica and takes the baby. "Let grammy try to calm baby Eden down."

"Are you sure mom?"

"Of course, go down and see your guest."

Jessica gives her mother a quick hug and Eden a quick kiss on the top of her head. Jessica hated leaving Eden, especially when she was sad. Dorthy knew this. Jessica was so attached to that baby she never liked putting her down.

Jessica walked downstairs still hearing the sound of her baby crying. It killed her. But Danny's family had arrived and she wanted to say hello.

"You're all here, yay!" Jessica smiles as she opens her arms to them.

They all give her hugs and look around.

"Jessica you look amazing! Congratulations." Angelica says looking at her from head to toe.

Jessica smiles "Thank you"

"Where is Eden? I'm so anxious to meet her!" Angelica squeals

"She's being fussy. My mom is bringing her down in a moment."

Tony leans in and gives Jessica a hug. "It's great to see you. I'm so happy for you." He says in her ear

"It's great to see you. I'm so glad you guys all came."

"Wait until you guys see the baby, she's so adorable!" Zoe says to her grand sons that stood behind their parents.

Eden was Zoe's first granddaughter. It was very exciting for the whole family.

They go into the kitchen and seconds later Eden and Dorthy come down.

Everyone runs to the baby and Dorthy hands her to Zoe. She wanted to give Danny's family as much time as possible with the baby since most of them are never in town.

"So she's the only girl?" Angelica's son, Mikey asks.

Zoe nods proudly. "Yes. She's the baby girl of the family."

"She looks like a raisin." Another one says

Tony taps his arm and he moves away. Jessica couldn't help but chuckle. They all sat down with her and everyone got a chance to hold her.

Jessica's family arrived shortly after. Even though most of them had met the baby they couldn't get enough of her.

By lunch time it was a full house. Usually Jessica wouldn't enjoy something like this but everyone coming together to see her and Danny's baby filled her heart.

When everyone had their 'turn' holding Eden she had wanted her mother.

Jessica sat on the couch with Eden in her arms. Ann's children sat next to her.

"So she's the only girl on uncle Danny's side?" Quinn asks

Jessica nods "She's the first granddaughter."

"She looks like uncle Danny." Paige says

"She does, doesn't she?" Jessica smiles

"Yeah, and a lot like you. Is she your twin?"

Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe!"

"I love baby Eden!" Kali exclaims

They all laugh. "You do?" Jessica smiles

"Me too!" Aspen says wobbling over to Jessica.

"I guess everyone loves Eden!"

Later that night Jessica was in the kitchen cleaning up a bit. She had a moment to get away while Eden was resting in her swing. It was funny for Jessica to see everyone gather around the baby and just watch her. As Jessica was cleaning she heard a crying sound from outside. She looks through the kitchen window and sees Zoe alone by the pool side. She was hunched over on a lawn chair crying. Jessica stops what she's doing and goes to see her.

"Zoe?" Jessica's asks as she walks onto the patio. Zoe tries to hide the fact that she's crying but fails.

"I'm sorry, I'm okay go back inside..." she says in a muffled tone.

"No, talk to me. What's wrong?" Jessica sits next to her.

She shakes her head. "I love that baby to death. She's so beautiful. But every time I look at her I see my son. It's amazing because Eden is apart of Danny. Part of Danny is still on this earth... it breaks my heart that he isn't here to see her. He would have been an amazing father." Zoe chokes up a bit then tries to stop crying. She knew this was just as hard on Jessica as it was her. Zoe had these feelings all bunched up. She tried to stay strong but at a time like this she missed her son. It was painful for her to see what he was missing.

"My thoughts exactly..." Jessica says with sadness

"I don't know how you've done it, Jessica."

Jessica shrugs her shoulders "I don't either."

"Danny would be so proud."

"I'm doing it for Danny and for her... I know that he'd love that little girl til the end of time. I want to love her as much as two parents together would. Zoe, when I first found out I was pregnant I was horrified. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, especially without Danny. I never wanted children. But as time went on I just fell in love. When I laid eyes on her I saw Danny immediately. I'm amazed how this world works. I just have to keep reminding myself that Eden is a gift. God had a plan for me when he died. This was his plan. It's going to be hard without him, I know. But I have to keep believing that he's watching over us and projecting us."

Zoe takes Jessica's hands and cries softly. She was so amazed by Jessica's bravery and she admired how strong she was. Jessica had been through hell and back, but she was thriving now. She beat the odds. Her prize was her daughter. Jessica had faced the worst these last few months, but she was now ready to live her life to the fullest just like Danny would want her to. Her plan was to give her baby the best life possible as well. To raise her right, show her the world, and never let her forget who her father was.

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