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"Jane, what are you doing here?" Jessica opens the door and squints here eyes. She holds her head in pain and opens the door a little more.

"Can I come in?" Jane says

"Yea, come take a sit." Jessica examines her sister wobble into her apartment and set her bags down.

"Sorry for coming unannounced. You are just so good at ignoring everyone." Jane pulls out a chair and sits down.

"You're pregnant?" Jessica slowly walks over to her and sits down.

"Seven months. You miss a lot." Jane rolls her eyes and rest her arms on her belly.

"It wrecks of cigarettes. You smoke?"

"What are you doing in New York?"

"I am here to talk to you. And get you to come home."

"Come home?" Jessica's eyes widen and she leans over the table.

"Yes Jessica. Jimmy has cancer."

Jimmy was Ann's husband of ten years.

"Cancer? He has cancer?"

"Yes Jessica, that's what I just said! Stop repeating me. He has stage four neuroblastoma."

"Sorry, I do it when I'm in shock. So there's no way for him to get better?"

"No, he's slowly going. Ann is falling apart. She can barely take care of her kids let alone herself."

"That's horrible..."

"It is. Ann needs you Jessica. I am about to blast, and I won't be able to take care of her. I need you to take my place and help her out with the kids and her."

"What about mom or George? Jane I have a life and job out here. I can't leave."

"You're such a selfish Bitch Jessica! If this was you, you know Ann would drop everything to help you. No matter how much of a bitch you are. Mom can't do it because George is still living in the house and going to high school, and you know how she can be a little bit clingy. Ann just needs you! Isn't that enough?"

"For coming unannounced, and that being rude enough, you are being a little extra bitchy."

"God Jessica!" Jane bangs the table.

Jane leans over and reaches a piece of paper out of her purse.

"It's hug for the summer Jessica. 3 months." She moves the slip of paper to Jessica. It was a plane ticket.

"We leave in three days. You are either coming or your not."

"Jane, I can't."

"Fine. Be that way." Jane stands up slowly.

"Jane, let me help."

"I can do it. Don't touch me." Jane struggles to get up. When she finally goes she grabs her things.

"What ever happened to you Jess? We all used to be so close. You just left and never called. You ignore us all and act like we are some kind of burden to you. We are your family."

Jessica let's out a sigh. Her finger traces the pattern of the table cloth.

"Are you an alcoholic or something?" Jane says looking over at the coffee table that was hardly able to be seen with the large bottles that used to have alcohol in them.

"No, I'm not an alcoholic. Jane were are you staying?"

"A hotel up the street. If I don't see you at the Hamilton at 12pm on Monday, I will leave without you."

"Why don't we go out to eat or something?"

"No, you had your chance. Maybe give home a call, ET." Jane gets up and leaves.

Jane slams the door and it shook the apartment. Jessica bounced up from her chair and walked over to the window. She gazed outside to look at the beautiful city skyline.

I can't go home. I know Ann needs me. Maybe if I just called her she would understand. I love my sister, but I have too much here. And quite frankly I'm afraid to go.

A couple hours later Sarah came back over to keep Jessica company.

"Hey chicka, what's this?" Sarah says picking up the plane ticket.

"Minnesota? You're going to Minnesota and aren't inviting me?" Sarah pouts.

"I'm not going." Jessica says taking the ticket from Sarah's hand.

"Why do you have it then?"

"Jane showed up. Pregnant and bitchy may I add."

"Jane? No way? What for?"

"Jimmy has cancer... he's going down him slowly. Jane wants me to spend the summer out there to take care of Ann and the kids."

"So why aren't you going too? And can't your mom?"

"That's what I said. Everyone out there must think I sit in New York and have no life. And I don't know why my mom can't! I love Ann, and I don't mind visiting her for a couple days, but months? I can't!"

"Ahh Jessie. You really should go. Mark can always give you work away from home."

"Sarah, I can't leave everything."

"This is your family. Your sister who you've always been close with. She does need you."

"Sarah! Ugh, can't you be on my side!"

"No Jessica, because you know that Mark will let you work away from home. Yea maybe you can't do photography from home, but at least you can write! You're being a Bitch Jessica!"

Jessica was silent.

"I will go with you. Your family loves me. I just got news there was leaking in the shop, so I can't open until September now. I can spend the summer with you and I can see my family too."

"You can go, but I'm not. That's the end of it."

"You're so stubborn Jessica. What hotel is Jane in? I'm going to go see her."

"The Hamilton up the street. I wanted to have lunch with her but she said no. They all hate me."

"Lucky for me they love me. I'm gonna go."

Do you think Jessica will go? Comment below!

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