Church and State

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Sarah's POV-

Jessica's sisters had come over to Sarah's new apartment for lunch. The three of them were always together. Jessica, Ann and Jane were like sisters to Sarah. They loved having Sarah near by.

"We have to figure out how to throw Jessica a baby shower. Before you know it she won't be able to travel. I don't think I can afford another trip to New York." Ann says

Jane nods in agreement "It would be hard to throw a party out there. Especially since all of her family and Danny's is here."

"Do you think she wants a shower?" Sarah says

"No, I don't think she does." Ann says with no hesitation

"Should we do this?" Jane asks

"If she doesn't want one, we don't want her to be uncomfortable."

"I think we should." Ann says

Sarah and Ann shrug their shoulders

"So how is this going to work?" Sarah asks

"Kali is having a birthday party at the end of the month. I'll ask Jessica to try to come. If she comes, we throw it a few days after the party."

"I'm so excited! This will be a lot of fun. Pink will be everywhere. We need to make this extra special for Jessica. No doubt about it." Jane says

"It's Crazy... Jessica is having a baby." Ann says to herself

They both nod "I wish Danny was here for her, it breaks my heart."


Jessica's POV-


Jessica was in her office working when she got a call from Ann.


"Hey Jess, it's me, Ann."

"Yes, I know. What's up?" She says with a giggle

"Well, I'm writing invitations for Kali's birthday party. Should I send you one?" Ann says

"Of course! When is it?"

"The end of the month, May twenty-third."

"I'll look into tickets!" Jessica says enthusiastically

"Great! Oh, I can't wait. She'll be so excited that aunt Jessie is coming."

"I can't wait. I guess I'll see everyone then."



May 6th-

Jessica woke up one morning not wanting to do anything. This is how it had been the last eight years ever since her father died on this exact day. Even though it was a sad day, it was also the day that Jessica and Danny decided to get married.

It was hard to go through days like this thinking about how much had changed. It was heart aching. She tried to make the best out of the day, even though it seemed impossible. She was tired of having bad days. That's all her life had consisted of the last few months.

Jessica decided that staying home and not going to work wouldn't be good for her. She needed to get out and keep her mind off things.

Immediately when Jessica got to work Sam was the first to greet her. She sensed her day was already not going to be good.

"Jessica, can I talk to you about this article?" He says chasing after her into her office

"What about the article, Sam?" She says forcefully

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