A Stupid Kiss

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Jessica was working non-stop spending twelve hours a day at the office. She didn't have a chance to call back home from how busy she was. Things were weird between Jessica and Sam. After the kiss things weren't the same, they actually didn't talk much. Jessica loved Sam, but not in a relationship kind of way.

"Hey Jennifer, did Audra McDonald ever call back? I really need to get her interview in." Jessica says from her office.

"I'm afraid not, Jessica."

Jessica pounds on her desk and looks at the piles of papers, rough drafts, and notes she had.

"I'm never going to meet my deadline" Jessica says to herself.

A couple minutes later Sam walks in, he was the last person Jessica wanted to see.

"Hey..." Sam say sitting down.

"Hi." Jessica continues writing

"I wanted to talk to you about last week."

"I can't right now..." Jessica scuffs

"Alright, I guess I'll let you be." Sam stands up and lets out a sigh.

"Sam, I'm sorry. I just need to meet my deadlines."

"You've pushed me away all week Jess. I'm getting tired of it. I never thought you would ever choose work over me."

"Damn it Sam! My job is on the line. I can't waste time talking about a stupid kiss that meant nothing."

"K, whatever."

Jessica stood up and put both hands on her desk. "Please come back."

"It's whatever, it was just a stupid kiss."

"Damn it." Jessica mumbles to herself


Around eleven-thirty Jessica took a taxi home.

When she got home she slid into an oversized hoodie and yoga pants pouring herself a glass of wine.

Jessica sat on her couch doing work on her computer. It felt good to finally relax, but a part of her missed her family...

An hour later Jessica couldn't sleep. Her mind was filled with thoughts and ideas for her big article.


Jessica jerked up from bed and held her hair. She let out a sigh. She thought about just not answering since it was twelve.

Jessica lifted herself out of bed and walked to the door. When she opened it she saw Ann standing at the door with the three kids and suitcases.

"Aunt Jess!" Paige and Quinn say giving Jessica a hug.

Jessica looked at Ann and Ann shrugged her shoulders.

"Hi..." Jessica says

"I needed to leave." Ann says walking in.

"Whoa, the view is so awesome!" Quinn says running to the large window.

The two kids place their hands on the window and gaze at the beautiful city lights in ahh.

Jessica turns to Ann who was sleep deprived.
She held the baby on her chest and dropped her bags.

"Ann, I'm so happy to see you guys... But a heads up would have been nice."

"Aunt Jess, you smoke?" Paige says holding up a lighter.

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