Chapter 3 (worried)

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Nash POV

"DALLAS OPEN THE DOOR!" I called for her, "GO AWAY!" she shouted back. "If you open the door and talk to me I'll take you Taco Bell," I offered; waiting for her to answer. I know this will work she absolutely loves Taco Bell, "no" their was a short pause, "I can't I promised sky ice cream and time at the beach" she replied, "ok but can we still talk about it?" I asked, "yeah I guess so." She sighed.

"so are you going to unlock the door. or Nah?" I asked, I heard a giggle coming from behind the door. The door shortly opened, "or Nah" she said, "what just happened?" I asked worried.

Dallas's POV

I opened the door, "or Nah" I said as he smiled, "what just happened?" he asked, "Jordyn and Hayes are back together" I said unhappily, "are you sure maybe its just a misunderstanding?" he asked, unsure of himself. "If you don't believe me then go look for yourself" I said. Nash got up and walked across the hallway, I laid on my bed staring at the celling, "WHAT THE HELL HAYES!?" I heard Nash scream.

He walked back over, "oh god I hate her so much! She tried ruining me and Jessica's relationship! Thank good she knows I love her, and that she can trust me." he said looking at nothing, "yeah I know speaking of Jessica, she texted me earlier and said she couldn't ahold of you so she texted me and asked if she can come over?" I said looking at him, "oh yeah I'm gonna go text her back love you" Nash said as he walked out the room, leaving a kiss on my cheek.

I walked to my bathroom and got in my shower turned on the cold water geese, this summer is some what hot. I was in the shower jamming to music I washed my hair and body turned off the water and dried off my body and fishtail braided my hair, walked to my dresser and put undergarments on then I walked to my closet and pulled out my red skinny jeans and pulled my white magcon t-shirt off the hangar, I walked to my dresser once again pulled my purple and orange polka dotted bikini walked in my bathroom grabbed a towel and put it in my neon yellow Nike bag.

I walked to Skylynn's room, "hey Sky, you ready?" I asked her, "ugh.. yeah let me get my towel and my bafing suit" she said. She has the most adorable 4 year old voice ever. "Okay I'm done" she said, "alright give me your towel and bathing suit I can put it in my bag" I said as she handed me her stuff.

We walked down the stares and their they where sitting on the couch Matt, Cam, and Carter, god they are so annoying, "hey Dallas!" Sasha, Cam's sister who is about my age.

This girl is the definition of a best friend, we've know each other since we we're 12. "hey Sasha! wanna come with me and sky to get some ice cream then go for a swim at the beach?" I asked, "ugh I don't known Cam can I please go?"

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