Chapter 13 (Mistakes)

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*Hayes Pov*

I turned, looked at the ground, and back to her. I said to Dallas, "I'm sorry." Then, I hugged her. She hugged me back, and said "I forgive you bro!" she pulled away and then said "I love you, I'm sorry about all that happened but if your stupid whore hadn't came around and ruined our twinship, it would be fine!" she said giggling. I started to laugh then heard a familiar voice say "awwh dat' twin love doe!" it was Nash.

After he said that all three of us started dying, and after 5 minutes Nash left my bedroom. He came back with waters and chips he ran back in, and leaped on to the bed sending me and Dallas flying off the bed. "Oh my god! are you guys okay?" asked Nash asked concerned. "Yes!" we both said laughing, Dallas had landed on, so I took the fall. "We're okay." I said smiling, then Nash helped us up, "I'm Glad Jordyn isn't in our lives all she did was cause problems!" he said with a smile, "I know" I said.

(*the next day*)

*Hayes's POV*

Everyone was out for breakfast, I wake up and check my phone it's currently 9:27 am. I hear a knock on the front door and answer, its the one and only, Jordyn?!

"Hey babe" she says. "Don't call me that and get out of my house!" I yelled, "whatcha gonna do about it?" she said, pushing me to the couch then sitting on my stomach."Oh yeah nothing because your helpless" she commented.

"No because your on top of me..." she cuts me off by crashing her lips into mine, I try to stop her but just then everyone comes through the door...(A/N; *ques dramatic music* Dun! Dun! Dun!)

Oh no, I think to myself why does this have to happen? I don't like Jordyn she's a, bitch! Dallas and Nash both interrupted my thought "Why Hayes, why?"

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