Chapter 12 (football)

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Dallas's POV

I woke up and everyone was out of my room I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was 12:34, I must have been very stressed out and tired.

I walked down stairs no one was there so I got in the fridge and took out the strawberries and cut up a banana blended it together, and drank it.

I heard yelling from my back yard. I flew open the door and their was a football flying in the air, I ran and jumped and intercepted the ball then I fell to the ground. "Holy wow!" screamed Shawn, "pretty impressive Grier" Taylor said with a smirk, "will you be my girlfriend" Cam blurted out, "No!" I said, I always had liked Cameron, but he was too old for me, also he was only asking because I did something impressive.

Everyone cracked up laughing I looked down at my knee and it was cut, and bleeding from a stick I walked in the house washed my knee, and put a band-aid on, I went into my room and stood in fronts of the bed.

Hayes walked into the room, he stood there for a second, "hey can we talk?" he asked, "yeah but I don't feel like fighting, so please, no more. I'm tired of it." I said, "I'm sorry" he sighed.

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