Chapter 47 (apology)

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Jessie's POV

We were all siting in the kitchen as Carter cooked breakfast for us all since he lost a bet, when suddenly their was a knock on the door, "I got it" I shouted walking to the door, "hell- Jordan? what do you want?!" I asked, "I'm here to talk to Dallas" she said, I was in utter shock, "yeah um. I don't think that's a good idea" I state, "well can you get her please."

I nodded heading off into the kitchen "Dallas you got a visitor" I said, she walked past me to the door.

Dallas' POV

I opened the front door to see Jordan standing there, "what do you want" I asked sweetly, "um Dallas, I know I've made your life a living hell and I came to apologize. I'm sincere and truly sorry, I know you'll probably never like me ever again, and in sorry about the whole Gage situation but he was no good for you in the first place. Trust me I met him that summer your were gone" she said, "yeah whatever, life goes on. Forgive and Forget. right?"

She nodded her head, "I wanna hang out. And I want you to get to know the real me sometime, we're moving back in" she asked, "uh sure, how about you come over two days from now" I said.

She nodded, I said good bye and shut the door walking back to the kitchen.

Hayes' POV

"Who's ready for breakfast" Carter asked, "me, me, me' I chanted. I got the first plate. LIKE A BOSS!!

I finished up my food and walked to the living room, I turned on the tv. I received a text from Sasha.

Sash da ßæ- Dallas, Dana, and I are going to the mall, Love ya!

Me- love ya too princess!

I locked my phone, flipping through channels till I found a sponge bob marathon on "fudge yeah" I screamed.


This isn't much but it's something.
I feel like I'm failing you guys on updates, I can not think of ideas for the chapters and everyone knows by now that there is 3 more chapters left till the ending.

So far I'm not planning on writing a sequel to this story I mean I'm not feeling this story anymore, I'm not even 100% positive that you guys even like this story or let alone like any story I wrote so far.

So I'm thinking maybe about quitting Wattpad and possibly giving my account away to someone who can write better than me, and at least write my stories better, and they would get all the credit. But none of that is positive right now, I just feel like people are reading this story for the hell of it, and they just laugh at me.

Idk what ever. I feel like I let you guys down. 😩


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