Chapter 49 (I guess so)

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Hayes's POV

The pressure was on, I shrugged my shoulders, "I mean after Jordyn was out of the picture, we started becoming one again so, I guess that's a yes" I said thinking hardly, if I didn't let Jordyn go would me and Dallas be this close?

'No, of course not nimrod.' I answered myself.

They nodded their heads, I think they understood me and got what I was hinting.

Jessie's POV

Nash and I are at the beach chilling, he apologized to Dallas for the misunderstanding in the bathroom. We walked around the beach hand in hand talking about the fact of him, Carter, Cam, and Hayes were leaving Magcon. It's pretty sad knowing their fans are going to be bummed that they aren't there.

The fans blew up their notifications so Nash made a video explaining things, and the part that hurt me most was that him and Cam are moving.

"Jess you want a smoothie" Nash asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I shrugged, "yeah, I want a strawberry smoothie" I said as we approached the familiar stand. I realized Dana wasn't working today, I was sorta bummed because I didn't have someone to talk to while they were making my smoothie.

*later on in the day*

Sasha's POV

I got what Hayes was hinting, he did love her, he was just saying it in his own way. I adored Dallas and Hayes's twinship they created. Thank god for that one choice he made, or things would have gotten worse, and I thank god everyday for the choice he made too because I love this boy.

We laid out in the living room watching this random movie that Taylor put on when he walked in the room. I laid my head on Hayes's shoulder, he kissed my forehead. I wonder if Taylor knows where that key is, "Tay?" I asked worried, "hmm" he asked, "do you know where that key is?" I asked, "oh shit, that's the thing that went down the sink" he said.

Cam walked into the room, "great timing big bro" I said smirking at him, "oh no what happened now" he asked, "I need you to fish out a key from a sink, or else, um were gonna be shark bait" I said, "huh" he asked, "Taylor dropped the key to Dallas' drawer in the sink, and if you don't get it out by tomorrow we're all gonna be shark bait" I said explaining everything to him. He nodded frighten, everyone knows that Dallas without her phone isn't a pretty picture, just thinking of how she would be scares me. (you should be scared for me).

Dallas's POV

I laid on my bed hearing an occasional thunk from the bathroom downstairs, I ignored it though. I laid on my bed thinking about this past month and how crazy its been. Wow! Almost like that one season of jersey shore when they were in Italy, that was a crazy season. I grabbed my Mac and logged onto Netflix. I clicked on Vampire Diaries, I'm determined to finish every single season this summer.


This is the chapter before the last chapter!

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