Chapter 16 (new girl)

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*Previously: there was a knock on the door........*

Nash's POV

A girl stop before me: long, wavy, blonde hair, and sparkling green. She looked to be anywhere from 13-15, she was gorgeous, but 1) I'm taken & 2) I wouldn't date her even if I was single because I just wouldn't. But Hayes? Oh he will be all over her.

"Hi, I'm Brianna, but I usually go by Bri!" Brianna exclaimed, "hello, I'm Nash Grier." I greeted her. Dallas came up next to me and stood, "hey! I'm Dallas" Dallas said smiling at the girl, "this is my 13 year old sister, she has a twin brother around here somewhere" I chuckled.

"I'M 13 TOO!" Brianna exclaimed, "nice to meet you, I'm going to go take a shower, bye" Dallas said heading upstairs, "I'm gonna go too, my mom is peobably looking for me. Tell Dallas I'll see her around, bye" Brianna said, waving, and, walking away. I closed the door and went to find Jessica chilling in my room.

Dallas's POV

Maybe, just maybe, Brianna and I can become best friends I thought as I walked in to my room, to my bathroom. I turned my shower on, set my phone on my counter and blasted pandora, got undressed and got in the shower.

*30 mins later*

"hey you okay?" someone asked, "who are you?" I asked paranoid, "it's Matt, Nash sent me up here to check on you" Matt said with a slightl chuckle, "why did he do that?" I asked curious, "because you've been in the shower for so long" he said, I turned off the water and reached for a towel, not leaving the shower, and wrapped it around me I heard Matt leave the room, and I got out.

Sasha's POV

I was sitting on Dallas's bed, listening to her and Matt's conversation. Matt left the room, and Dallas got out of her shower I walked to her, "hey Dallas I got to tell you something" I said, "what is it?" she asked, "I'm dating matt" I said, "wait." she says turning her music off, "your what" she asked, "I'm. dating. Matt" I said slowly for her to understand, "WHAT! Does Nash know? have you told Cam about you and Matt?" she asked, "NO ONE! but you knows" I said, "knows what"? Cam and Nash asked, walking into Dallas's room.

Dallas's POV

"know what?" Cam and Nash asked, walking into my room. "nothing. Get out of my room! I only got a towel on" I scolded. They walked out of my room. I put my underwear, and my bra on and walked into my room. I put on my tie-dyed 'Nashty' shirt and some yoga pants.

I walked into my bathroom again blow dried my hair, and looked at my make up bag I don't know why I asked my mom and dad to get me that, I don't even use my make up much. I walked back to my room, "I'm going downstairs you coming?" I asked Sasha, as I walked out my room and down the stairs.

I walked to the kitchen to make me a smoothie, and there sat Hayes and the new girl, Brianna, sucking face. Eww! that made my stomach churn in disgust. I walked past them, shoving Hayes a bit, "DO YOU WANNA TAKE THIS TO YOUR ROOM HAYES?!" I asked madly, they both jumped. "Do you mind Dallas?" Hayes asked, "no actually because your in the kitchen making out and not your room so if you want privacy, leave!" I demanded.

Nash's POV

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Jessica asked ,"yeah sure, go see if Dallas, Hayes, and Brianna, wanna play" I suggested.

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