Chapter 29 (Mr.Perfect)

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Nash's POV

"So Dallas what did you want your number change for" I asked her "oh I was getting texts from the ex-bitches and they were threatening to kill me and I asked them how they were going to do that when I was in Delaware and they said they would find their way to New York... but I know we're In Orlando" Dallas said smiling.

"Wow" I said. Hayes and I walked down to the arcade. I put $50 in the coin thing and we played a ton of games. When we played the claw machine game I won nothin but Hayes won this huge frog and he gave it to me to give to Jessie.

Dallas' POV

Lilly and I were walking around the mall it was huge.we went to aero, deb, rue 21, Claire's, and more. After shopping for like two hours we went to Starbucks I didn't get anything but lilly did, since I wasn't in the mood for Starbucks I went to this smoothie shack and got cotton candy swirl. Me and lilly sat at a table in the smoothie shack and drank our drinks. This boy walked up to us "hi my name is Gage, what's your name" he asked "me, my name is Dallas" I said blushing he had perfect brown hair with hazel eyes he was pretty tan I would say he's about 5'4 like me he's adorable.

"Well Gage I have to go or my brother will get worried" I said trying to escape this awkward situation "hey can I get your number your adorable" he said and I blushed "uh yeah here" I said handing him my phone he put his number in my phone and I quickly walked away I made it one of those situation where if I feel comfortable with you then I'll text you and that's when you get my number.

***back at the hotel***

I walked over to Nash's bed and laid with Jessie "hey Jess" I said "hey Nikki (short for Nicole) what's going on" "nothing met this cute boy named Gage he gave me his number but I didn't give him mine" I said with a smirk "Ohhhh that situation" she said giggling "who met who" Nash and Hayes say in unison walking in the room "I met a boy named gage and no you may not get his number because I didn't even text him yet" I said

I decided to text Gage.

M-hey gage is it???

G-is this Dallas????

M-yep this is her sorry I didn't give you my number I was in a hurry I have very protective brothers 😊

G-hey at least they protect you😜

M-yeah so what are you up too

G-um nothin I was wondering if you wanted to hang out??

M-yeah but you would have to come to my hotel

G-k where is that???

M-uh it's Sunny side springs (I don't know if this is a real hotel or not soo...) room number 214 my brothers and my three friends are here

G- cant wait to meet them....I'm in the hotel down the street be there in a sec

There was a knock at the door "I'll get it" Hayes shouted. I didn't change clothes, apply any makeup, or take a shower... Because I took a shower earlier, I don't often wear makeup, and I didn't change clothes because it's a waist of clothes plus I just put these on earlier, and I feel if you don't like me for what I look like out of public you don't deserve me. "okay" I shouted as I was laying with Jessie "hi I'm...." "GAGE!!!!!!!!!" Hayes shouted "HAYES!!!!!!" gage shouted. Me and Jessie stared at each other yay they know each other maybe Hayes will be easier on me.

"who is this" Nash asked walking to me and Jessie getting in bed with us "Nash this is my friend gage and I guess Hayes friend also, gage this is Nash" I said introducing them " wait Gage Ashton Smith your the boy who has a crush on my little sister" Nash said. Yay this makes things easier. "Wait what did you say nash....and how do u know him when I never met him before" I say so confused.

"well two years ago when you and mom were in New York for your fundraiser over the summer we had met Gage when hung out all the time and you were gone for so long and that's when you texted us very little, when you came back finally two then after two months you came back we were going to introduce you but that day you came back we went to the lake and you pushed Hayes in the water with his phone so he had to get a new one he lost all of his contacts and that's when you got your iPhones then two weeks later we found out that Gage moved to Ohio and that's exactly why you never met him" Nash said. "So what are you doing down here in Orlando" Hayes asked "hopefully to meet back up with you" Gage said "oh, why though" Hayes asked "to see you again I missed my crazy best friend" he said smiling like crazy "bro I missed you" Hayes said.

Aaron's POV

I heard shouting coming from the hotel room and I bursted through the door worried " gage???" I asked somewhat shouted man Ive missed this kid "Aaron" he said. "What are you doing here" I asked "to see Dallas" he said my face went blank dude we are well used to be best friends but I haven't seen him for a year and I don't want him to brake my sisters heart.

"Well good news guys me and Lilly are official and we posted it on instagram" I said breaking the awkward silence "really, congrats lil" Dallas said " yeah my fans already already have a ship name for us it's so cute because it just so happens to be our favorite animal" I said "is it by chance lion???" Jessie asked "yeah how did you know" i asked "well me and Lilly have been chatting yesterday while you were at your I have to go get ready for my date bye" Jessie said walking out of the room.

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