Chapter 43 (NO!)

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Nash's POV

"It looks like your dog Scarlette has parvo" the vet said, "what is that" Dallas asked, "parvo is abbreviated for the term canine parvovirus. The disease caused by this virus is much more common in puppies than in adult dogs because it thrives on the developing cells of a growing pup. The virus tends to congregate in the dogs intestinal tract, leading to digestive upset an inhibiting the production of in infection fighting white blood cells. It is the most widespread viral infection among domestic dogs. It is worth nothing, the parvovirus is completely avoidable with the application of a simple vaccine, but unfortunately it is already to lat to save , a it's spread pretty fast through Shadow. Sadly to say we can only save Star" the vet said. By the time she finished up Dallas was in tears "please at least save Star " she said trembling "we will, but would you rather keep Star here to be safe, and take the other 2 dogs home for their last days. We made it to where no other can be affected by the two dogs" the vet said standing up an walking to the door an stopped "I wanna take the two home an please keep Star safe" Dallas said as tears streaked down her cheek "we will ma'am, just have a seat out in the waiting room an the two dog will be there shortly" the vet said walking out of the room.

We walked to the waiting room by now Dallas, Hayes, and I were crying, Sky didn't understand what was going on "what's wrong D" sky asked Dallas "Scarlette, and Shadow are leaving us sweetie, we can only keep Star" Dallas said. We we're all heart broken. Scarlette, and Shadow were brought to us, we swiftly left the horrible place that brought nothing but bad news, everyone was in the car an on our way home "look at the positive guys, we get to keep Star" I said not taking my eyes off the road.

Dallas' POV

My world came tumbling down after the news they gave me about my babies. As soon as we got home I ran to my room an locked myself up there and cried and cried and cries until there was a knock on the door "who is it" I asked in a frail weak voice "Nash" he said in a cracking voice "what do you want" I asked as another tear slipped down my cheek "the dogs want in your room" he said, I got up unlocked the door an walked back to my bed "it's unlocked" I said. The door flew open as the two dogs charged at me followed by Nash walking towards me, and wrapping me in a warming hug "don't worry D, we got to savor the last days we have with them" he said, I nodded into his neck. He softly placed a kiss on top of my head "spend time with your children they miss their mother" Nash said smiling, I laughed at the comment.

I laid down and the dogs laid with me, I snapped a picture and posted it to instagram and twitter captioning it *this may be the last picture with Scarlette and Shawdow...mommy loves you both and when it's time for you god will be happy to have you two but I'm gonna savor the time I have left with you😢* I locked my phone. I got up and walked to my dresser, I grabbed volleyball spandex, and a white muscle tank top, I walked to my bathroom and showered. I got out, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and laid in bed until I got a text from Gage my best friend.

Gagiepoo- hey I'm sorry about the two dogs

Me- please don't be, I guess I should have known life is short so you have to cherish the moments you have

Gagiepoo- I guess so. Um Dallas I have to tell you something

Me- yeah

Gagiepoo- well Dallas I-.....

AN: oh snap what do you think gage is gonna say. Comment your opinion

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