Chapter 35 (where am i)

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Dallas' POV

I heard a loud bang and my stomach suddenly hurt, I fell to the ground and everyone rushed to over to me. My eyes started closing I was getting tired by the second "DALLAS KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!!!!!!" someone screamed. Everyone kept shouting words telling me to stay awake I didn't know what was going on and all of a sudden everything went black.

Nash's POV

We were all swimming in the poll and Dallas was getting something off the chair when all of a sudden Jordan and Brianna were standing in the yard and we heard a big loud bang like a gunfire Dallas was bleeding from her stomach and she fell to the ground we all ran up to her "DALLAS KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN!!!!!" I screamed tears rushing down my face "DON'T JUST STAND THERE MY SISTER IS DIEING" Hayes screamed crying harder than me. Everyone gave him this face "JUST DO SOMETHING NOW!!!!!!" he screamed again Sasha pulled her phone off the chair and dialed 911.

***At the hospital***

"is their a Nash and Hayes Grier here?" the doctor asked "that's us" Hayes said pointing to me "well your sister is lucky she didn't get shot in the heart but she's in a coma from hitting the ground to hard but we can't promise that she is going to even wake up" the doctor said "well can we go see her??" Sasha asked "yes" the doctor said.

Hayes' POV

We walked down the hall to the room Dallas was in, I opened the door and the cops were in there "Hello Im officer Roxi are any of you related to this young lady" officer Roxi asked "we are" Nash and I say in unison "do you by chance know what happened" officer Roxi asked "uh yeah we were all swimming and my sister got out of the pool to get something and we heard a gun shot....and, and I saw my sister drop to the ground" I said crying "did anyone by chance see who it was" officer Roxi asked "more like who they were" Nash said "well who we're they" the other officer asked "uh Brianna Wales and Jordan Porter" Nash said I got angry "do you know these people sir" officer Roxi ask "uh yeah actually I do they just so happen to be my pissed of ex-girlfriends" I said get angrier at the thought that I'm the reason my sister isn't at home right now.

"well we're going to need to know everything" the other officer said. I explained everything to them going back as far as to when Jordan first slapped my sister "your not going to have to do anything to my sister right" I asked worried "no but we will lock your ex-girlfriends up" the officers said in unison walking out the room. "Oh god this is all my fault" I said ready to punch someone "no it's not Hayes" Nash said "yeah it is if I would have just chose Dallas the first time she met Jordan this wouldn't have happend Nash" I said "no Hayes it probably would have been worse than this" Nash said.

"No Nash don't you see our sister is laying in a hospital bed right now because of me and we don't even know is she's going to wake up" I said.

***6 days later***

Dallas' POV

I don't even know how long it's been since I have been in a coma I think thats what the doctor told my brothers I want to wake up but it's like their is a gravity holding me down but I keep trying. HELP ME!! I cry out as dream over and over again what happened HELP ME!!!! I cry out one last time.

Sasha's POV

It's been a week since dallas has been in her coma but we're not giving up on her the doctor keeps saying she's not going to make it but she's our fighter and we know she will get through it. We called Elizabeth and told her what happened and we told her to stay with sky. I keep racking through my thoughts when all of a sudden a familiar voice interrupts me "HELP ME!!!!!" the voice scream. I jumped up "DALLAS!!!" I screamed "SASHA HELP ME!!" Dallas screamed again.

I ran over to her and hugged her "Dallas your okay" I said her eyes open wide and she stared crying "where am I" she cried out "your in the hospital" I said as the boys came in "DALLAS YOUR ALIVE!!!!" they scream, ran over and hugged her. "Thanks for fangirling over me" she giggled.

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