Chapter 48 (woah new people)

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Dallas's POV

"No one ever said you were the smartest of us two" Hayes said pointing to me then him, "what ever, play another theme song Sasha" I said, Hayes and I were doing the theme song challenge and Hayes is beating me by 2.

Sasha started playing the theme song to the Ellen Degrenes show, "Ellen" I shouted super fast, "jesus Dallas, it's not like someone is stealing your iPhone. God damn" Hayes said, Sasha and I laughed at his words.

"This is it Dallas if you get this then it's a tie, but if Hayes gets it then you have to lock your phone in your personal drawer" Sasha said, Hayes and I nodded, everyone knew how addicted I was to that precious lime green iPhone 5c of mine. She started playing the that's so raven theme song,"OH MY GOD THAT'S SO RAVEN!!" I screamed very, very quickly, "ok so here is the tie breaker. How many years are there in a millennium?" Sasha asked, "uh, 287" Hayes said confused, "204" I asked raising my eyebrow, "your both wrong, it's 1000. So Hayes you have to run down the street in only a bra and lady underwear screaming, "What's my name again?" and Dallas you have to lock your phone in your personal drawer in your desk and give the key to" Sasha said pausing dramatically "Taylor Caniff" she finished, "What!?" I asked in a high pitched voice, "no way will I give that key to him, he'll lose it and I will be locked off my phone for forever" I said.

She shook her pointer finger sideways,"yes. You have to" she said stopping, "whatever, bring the camera" I said. She paused the camera, and unattached it from the stand.

Hayes ran down the streets with my moms bra, and my new pair of underwear screaming "what's my name again?" people were giving him looks. I locked my phone in my drawer, and Sasha stole the key from me and gave it to Taylor, not telling him what it was for, I'm never getting my phone back I might as well start a conversation with my mom about a new phone to night when she gets back from spending time with sky. We finished off the video and relaxed in the living room.

Nash's POV

I cannot believe Dallas did that with her phone, I mean seriously, that just proves how much she loves her fans, because if we were playing truth or dare and one of us dared her to do that so wouldn't even budge. The worst part was she had to give the key to Taylor, crazy, wild Taylor Caniff, she is gonna die.

Cam, Jessie, Mahogany, and I are chilling in the pool messing around. "Dude I can't believe Dallas did that. And pour Taylor doesn't even know why he's carrying that key. She is so screwed" Cam said laughing, I nodded, followed by Jessie and Mahogany. I swam around, "chicken fight" Jessie asked.

Dallas' POV

After relaxing on the couch for a while Lexie, Hayes, Sasha, and I decided on some ice cream from the one and only Sherri's Sweets, we all ordered a simple ice cream flavor, nothing crazy. As I walked I bumped into someone and almost fell but Hayes caught me, I got up, "I'm so sorry"the guy said stopping.

"Dallas" I said finishing his sentence, "oh, I'm Evan" he said putting his hand out to shake, I accepted his offer, "this is Hayes, my brother. These are my friends, Sasha and Lexie" I said pointing out everyone, "wait a moment, aren't you Lexie Rivera, Hayes Grier, Sasha Dallas, and Dallas Grier?" Evan asked, "yerp" Lexie said speaking up, "who is this Evan?" a guy asked Evan, "this is Lexie, Hayes, Dallas, and Sasha. Guys this is my brother Chad" Evan spoke.

"Vine famous people?" Chad asked, I nodded my head, Chad had chestnut brown hair, greenish/bluish eyes, sorta tanned skin, his hair was flippy like Hayes', and he was taller than me by a little, but him and Hayes were the same height (Hayes grew a little. The past couple weeks). Evan hade blondish/brownish hair with little freckles here and there, bluish/greenish eyes, totally tanned skin, no flippy hair, and he was just as tall as Lexie. We all exchanged numbers (not incluiding me) and headed our separate ways.

Once we got home, I kicked my vans off and logged onto kik (on my Mac book, because no phone for this girl) and replied to some fans. I kept a short/long conversation up with one fan but I told them I had to get off to feed Star, which I honestly did. I took Star into the back yard, but she had different plans she pushed me in the pool, her jumping in after. We swam around for a little while, the anticipation of not having my phone was killing me.

Hayes' POV

"I bet you $30 she is going crazy without her phone" I said betting Brent as we sat on the couch watching Ride Along, "I bet you $40 she isn't" Brent said back, "ok but don't come crying to me when you have to give me that $40" I said smirking, no one knows Dallas like I do.

"Hayes" Lexie asked, "hmm" I asked, "you love Dallas don't you" she asked, "I..."

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