Chapter 14 (solution)

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Nash POV

We all walked in the house Hayes was on the couch kissing, Jordan?! "Why Hayes, why?" I asked madly, "let me explain" he said worried, "no! Jordyn get out now!" I yelled, she got up and walked out of the house, "Dallas?" he pleaded, "NO HAYES! I'm tired of this" she yelled, she ran to her room crying.

Hayes POV

I know what i'll do to solve this, "Nash I'm going on a walk to clear my thoughts" I said playing it off cool, "cool whatever and you better think about what you did to your sister" he said. I walked out the door using my phone to find the nearest pet shop, ok it's just a block away. Its weird I lived here for the longest time ever but yet I don't know where a pet shop is.

I walked in the pet shop "hi how may I help you? I'm Kelsey" she said smiling at me, "aren't you a little to young to be working yet" I asked, "yes" Kelsey replied, "how old are you anyways?" I asked, "I'm 13, I only work here for the summer because my aunt needs help, what's your name?" she said, "I'm Hayes, I need a little help I got in a fight with my twin and since your a girl can you help me find the right dog for her?" I asked, "uh yeah" she said.

We walked down the isles of dogs "here, what about this dog?" she questioned it was a chow, "maybe can we keep looking to find other options?" I suggested, "yeah, so you have a twin sister?" she asked, "yeah her name is Dallas she's same age as me 13" I exclaimed, saying Dallas was my twin honestly felt good. "Okay, what about these two" Kelsey asked, pointing to a St Bernard, and a husky, "can I use your phone to call my sister, I left mine at home" I said she handed me her phone I put Dallas's number in under;

'Dallas your new BFF'

I pretended to call and took the phone away from my ear.

"She sent me straight to voice mail" I said, "oh" Kelsey sighed, "uh just give me all three" I said, they were so cute, their just little puppies, "I'm gonna go get beds, bowls, and some food for the dogs" I said, she nodded, and I walked away.

I walked back to the counter I sat every thing on the register, Kelsey rang everything up, "your total is 0.00" she said, "what do you mean?" I asked so confused, "don't worry it's on me" she said, "hey can I try calling my sister one more time" I asked, "yeah here" she handed me her phone.

I deleted Dallas's contact from Kelsey's phone because I thought about it. It wouldn't be such a great idea to give a stranger my sister's number. This time I really did call Dallas.

~(Phone Convo)

Dallas=D Hayes=H

D: "who is this?"

H: "Hayes go to the living room and wait for me"

D: ok"

(End of phone convo)

I took all three leashes and my 3 bags of things for the dogs and walked home. I hope she accepts this.

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