Chapter 34 (this is my jam)

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Hayes' POV

I was in my room texting Sasha and I heard music blaring from Dallas' room. I walked across the hall to find my beloved girlfriend on Dallas' bed chilling in a bathing suit "so you were here all this time" I asked her "yeah that's why I blared this music" she said while turning her music "go you swim trunks on and lets get out side with everyone else" Sasha said "Nahh I wanna cuddle and watch movies" I said.

"NO!!! we're going swimming" she demanded "only if I get a kiss" I said standing ing front of her. She leaned and I moved my head and she put her head back where it was when she looked at me the first and I leaned in this time and kissed her passionately. We cut the kiss off "alright I'll be back in a few babe love yah" I said walking back to my room. I walked to the bathroom and changed, I walked back to Dallas' room and took Sasha hand walked down stairs, out the backdoor to the pool, and stood their in front of the pool.

I dropped my stuff on the chair next to me and picked Sasha up bridal style and jumped in the pool with her "BABE!!!!!!" she whined "what your the one who wanted to swim" I said smirking "that's okay I was gonna do it to the both of of you" cam and Nash said in unison. I got out of the pool and walked to the water slide.

Dallas' POV

I was swimming in the pool laughing with Jessie, Nash, Hayes, sasha, cam, sky, Nd my 3puppies. We were all having fun until.......


I know I know it was really short but I'm saving the suspense for next chapter.

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