Chapter 45 (Surprise!!)

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Dallas' P.O.V

I walked to my room after the video recording, and walked to the dogs, but something was wrong they didn't move when I walked in the room so I tried petting them but they felt, cold, and....lifeless. "NOOOO!!!" I scream crying, "what" I heard Hayes shout panting in my doorway "they're, they aren't moving Hayes" I cried, "what" he asked "they aren't moving, we have to get them to the vet" I cried.

My mom and I rushed to the vet, and waited in the waiting for an hour before the veterinarian came out "I'm so sorry ma'am but we couldn't save them, and star is all ready to come home" the vet said "what are you going to do with them" I asked sniffling " can ether cremate them or you can burry them. but it's up to you" she said "I want to burry them" I said crying.

***skipping the burial and 4 days later*** (only because I don't want to write about it cuz I had to bury my dog and it was terrible)

I walked underneath the tree where we buried Scarlette, and Shadow, I sat in between their graves. The past four days I hadn't been on any social media sites. I was depressed but I had Star and my family, they helped me through it all. Today is the day of Hayes, and I's little late birthday party.

Hayes, and I finally decided who would be coming. The party is here at home, we're gonna have a pool party and at the end of the nought we're gonna have a bonfire in the backyard. We chose to invite Jessie, Cam, Matt, Carter, Aaron, Lily, Lexie, Brent, Shawn, Jack J., Jack G., Sasha, Taylor, Dana, and Mahogany, after the bonfire everyone was gonna stay at the house.

I walked in the house and to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, "hey Dallas" someone said, I knew the voice I just couldn't put a name to it, I turned around to find "WILL!!!" I screamed running and jumping into his arms, "happy belated birthday sis" he said. I cried tears of joy "your welcome" Hayes and Nash said coming into the kitchen. I got down off of Will and walked to Nash and Hayes, "thank you so much" I said hugging them.

The doorbell rang, "that must be them" Nash said walking to the door and opening it. In walked "OMG!! Lexie" I screamed to running Lexie, and Brent, "I missed ya Lex" I said unlatching from our hug, "where should I set these" Brent asked holding up two bags. I pointed to the kitchen table, I walked to the living room and sat on the couch, Star laying next to me. A couple minutes later the front door opened, I stayed laying on the couch, resting my eyes.

***beinging of the party***

I got on my Aztec swim suit and laid on my back in the pool, when all of a sudden I heard "CANNON BALL!!" and a big splash. I hurried up and opened my eyes seeing a smirking Taylor "I hate you" I joked, "who are you kidding you know you want this" he said snapping his fingers in a 'z' form. I cracked up laughing "in your dreams" I said with a tad of sass, "mmmm girl da sass is real" said Skylynn standing on the steps to the pool, "you bet sista" I said swimming to her.

"Dallas move" Aaron shouted running for the pool, I hurried up and moved as the door to the back yard slid open and Dana came walking through, we learned a lot about each other over the last couple days, she's older than me by 2 years and she has a huge crush on Matt, they've been talking a lot I think they would make a cute couple. I waved to her smiling, she waved back walking to the pool, Hayes stood next to the food munching on chips, typicall Hayes, "OW!" Hayes yelped as I seen the water splash off of him. I looked up to see Nash, Cam, Carter, and Matt laughing their asses off, Hayes turned red boiling with anger. I had a fit of laughter, wait let me rephrase that I died of laughter.

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