Chapter 38 (a blast from the past)

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Jessie's POV

I woke up to this lump of Nash snuggled up to me. I slid out off his arms, I walked to my dresser to grab clothes for a shower. Why am I wearing Nash's clothed for pjs when I have some here? I asked myself, I remembered I was to lazy last night. I walked out the door an to the bathroom.

I finished up my shower an got dressed. I put some make-up on, just a little mascara, silver shimmer eye shadow, and soft lips. My make-up matched my outfit perfect, which is a red tank top, a white off the shoulder top, a red and white Magcon hoodie, black low cut jean shorts, and white Nike socks. I brushed my long brunette hair and threw it up in a messy bun.

After I was done in the bathroom I took Nash's clothes bad threw them in Nash's in the corner for to night. I walk down the stairs to the kitchen I glanced over at the living room an saw Gage and Dallas cuddling, awwwwww I thought to myself. I walked to the kitchen an grabbed bacon, pancake mix, eggs, and fruits. Slowly one by two everyone was downstairs, we all started to eat. Brent and Cameron had like 4 plates "dang do you want anymore???" I asked laughing so hard I cried "um no" they said stuffing their face.

After breakfast everyone hung around the house some upstairs, and some in the basement. I sat on the couch with my feet off the arm and my head on Nash's leg. I was comfy until their was a knock on the door, I got up and went for the door. "Hi I'm Dan-" she said "Danis!" I asked.

A quick recap on Danis. Danis is my old best friend, she moved away from NC before Nash and I met and that was 2 years ago, she is 16 years old, she has hazelnut brown hair, she has electric blue eyes, and she's about 5'4 5'6. I definitely am not happy she's around because she stole my first boyfriend, and I don't want her to steal my second.

"Jessie what are you doing here" Danis asked with a confused look "umm Nash is my boyfriend and his sister is my best friend" I said smiling widely. "Oh your best friends with skylynn" she asked puzzled "no,no" I said laughing "then who" she asked again "Dallas, Dallas Grier is my best friend" I said smiling and standing proud. "What about meh" Dallas asked walking to the door "Ohhhh I'm gonna go listen to some music with gage" she said awkwardly "wait what's up Nikki (by the way if you don't remember Nicole is her middle name) " I asked Dallas standing nervous "uh nothing just missing my babe" she said walking away from the door "ok well uh do you by chance want to come in and meet the boys" I asked "Yeah sure" she said with a little to much pep in her step.

"Hey I'm not trying to be rude but you are a stranger to me now so don't try to make a move on Nash because I won't be to happy about that, nor will Dallas" I said through gritted "why do you say that" she asked smirking "because I know you liked him and if you do make a move with him some thing's will go down" I said gritting my teeth harder "so what are you going to do make skylynn attack me" she asked laughing "nope if you do, you will definitely will get Dallas opinion" I said smirking now.

We walked to the living room "GUYS LISTEN UP!" I sorta shouted "BAE!" Matt shouted looking at me "what Matt" I asked "can I use your charger" he asked "yeah sure it's in Nash's room" I said smiling "aren't you dating Nash, you are such a whore" Danis whispered in my ear "yes I'm dating Nash, no I'm not a whore, and that's me and Matt's nicknames" I shouted at her. "Obviously you being here Isn't a good thing so can you leave now" Nash demanded "Nash don't you see Jessica is a whore" she stated "hey at least I didn't harm his little sister or steal someone's boyfriend, but clearly that was the best choice you made on my behalf because I'm with the boy of my dreams" I shouted at her.

Dallas' POV

I walked up the stairs and to my room quickly. "Hey baby" Gage greeted me as he was sitting on my bed "hey babe" I said chuckling "come here let's watch some movies" he said "no thanks" I said "why" he asked "ummm no reason just not in the movie feeling I guess" I said lying, I hate lying like that but that's what Trevor did one time when he almost got in my pants. "hey dallas can I take a shower" Sasha asked walking in my room "yah sure" I said nodding.

Sasha walked in the bathroom "do you wanna go downstairs" gage asked "NO!" I screamed as all the memories rushed in to my head "okay well I am so love ya" he said planting a soft kiss on my cheek, oh my Gersh I'm so screwed up, I know that girl Danis she was the reason Trevor got on drugs, she was the reason I cut my wrist weekly, she's the reason I cried myself to sleep, she's the reason for all the hate and drama. By the time I finished going through the memories I was balling "what's wrong" Sasha asked "s-s-she's back-k" I manage to say between sobs, I heard screaming coming form down stairs and I could instantly tell it was Jessie and Danis.

I stood up and ran down the stairs "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!!" I screamed standing next to Nash holding in the anger "hah no you are a pathetic little whore who had sex with Trevor Morrison" she screamed. Hold back dallas, hold back. "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU LITTLE BITCH I DIDN'T HAVE SEX WITH TREVOR MORRISON YOU DID, YOU'RE THE REASON I WAS ALMOST RAPPED, AND MAY I REMIND YOU THAT YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WAS PREGNANT WITH THE BABY OF JESSIE'S EX BOYFRIEND, SO IF YOU DON'T GET YOU ASS OFF MY PROPERTY I WILL WHOOP YOUR ASS JUST LIKE I DID TO YOUR WHORE SISTER JORDAN AND YOUR WHORE COUSIN BRIANNA!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as Nash held me back. She stood there laughing."Listen you don't know what your getting your self in to so I suggest that you leave now" Nash stated

"Listen I know what I'm getting my self into I see her fight back to Trevor I know what little white piece of trash she is" Danis said. I stood their think let me go Nash, let me go Nash, my thoughts turned to screaming "LET ME GO NASH!" I screamed digging my nails into his arm "owww" he shrieked letting go off my arm. I stopped dead in my tracks and thought do I want to go to jail or do I want to be in my room right, screw it she ruined half my life I would rather be in jail.

I ran right at her knocking her on the ground. I threw a punch at her face and she screamed like a baby "HOW DOES THIS FEEL HUH HOW DOES IT FEEL" I screamed pulling her hair "ALL THOSE YEARS I THOUGHT I WAS IN LOVE WHEN ALL HE DID WAS RAPE ME AND I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY REAL FRIEND!!!" I screamed pulling harder "ALL THAT TIME I SAT IN MY ROOM CUTTING MY WRIST WAS BECAUSE YOU!!" I screamed tears pouring from my eyes, she raised her fist a punched me, causing her to knock me to the ground. She got on top of me and straddled me. "I'LL TELL YOU HOW OT FELT!!" she screamed pulling my hair "IT FELT WONDERFUL SITTING THEIR LISTING TO YOU SCREAM FOR HELP AS TREVOR RAPPED YOU!!!" she screamed as she pulled my hair harder "IT FELT GOOD FOR YOU TO THINK I WAS YOUR REAL FRIEND, IT FELT GOOD TO KNOW YOU CUT YOUR WRIST, AND IT FELT GOOD TO KNOW THAT I WAS THE REASON!!" she screamed pulling my hair even harder.

I punched her in the face and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door an cried an cried remembering the night he rapped me I never ever told anyone that part or the part where I cut my wrist so I pretty positive that everyone was in shock "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!!" Nash screamed. I opened the cabinet finding the knife and the pills. "Dallas open up now" so screamed "no I'm a worthless person who doesn't deserve to live" I said as I slit the knife across my arm "yes you do Dallas don't listen to her , your my sidekick, your my partner in crime, your my twin, and most of all your the person sky looks up to in life and if you hurt yourself no one would be the same without you Dallas open this door" Hayes shouted.

I slit the knife again as the door opened and Hayes ran up to me, by now there was blood on the floor. Hayes took the knife from my hands an hugged me. I cried into his shoulder for hours until I couldn't cry anymore, I was so tired so dehydrated I need water now. Cam walked in an picked me up bridal style and carried me to the kitchen, he sat me down at the island and Hayes handed me water. I drank 5 cups of water it helped but I was really missing someone. "Where is Nash" I asked in a weak voice "he is right here" Nash said talking about himself in third person.

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