Chapter 41 (break-up time)

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Dallas' POV

I walked to my phone this brings back memories, I picked up my phone and decided to text Dana

Me- hey!

Dana- hi?

Me- what are you questioning?

Dana- that you actually texted me

Me- of course duhhh

Dana- haha

Me- so do you wanna come and hang out with me

Dana- sure wanna give me your address or you can come pick me up?

Me- I will pick you up

I locked my phone and turned to everyone in the pool "hey guys I'm going to go pick up my friend Dana. Sasha, Gageie, and Riley wanna come" I asked "nah I'll stay behind what about you gage" Riley asked gage "yeah I wanna go I havent seen you in like forever" gage said running out of the pool "yeah I'll come, Hayes do you wanna come" sasha asked Hayes "duh I can't leave my baby alone" he said laughing. I walked in the house merrily up to my room I put my plane skater shorts and my strapless top along with my white pumps. I walked down the stairs and out the door.

***Back home***

We all walked into the house and out the back door to the pool to find only two people and that is Nash and Jessie in the pool making out "hey two love birds where is everyone" I asked as they jerked their heads to us "uh I don't know" Nash said "great first impression Nash" I said sarcastically "sorry that I love my girlfriend" he said back "anyways Nash, Jessie this is my friend Dana" I said introducing the three "hi Im Nash and this is Jessie, my girlfriend" he said "okay" I said. We walked in the house. Sasha, Dana, and I opened my bedroom door to find Riley kissing that one kid who kissed Jordan what's his name, um uh Jeremy yeah that's him. I decided to speak up this time "uh um" I said clearing my throat, they pulled apart "why didn't you knock" she asked rudely "well this is my room I don't have to knock for anyone" I said "what ever can you leave" she said.

"Ok but hold up" I said "GAGE UPSTAIRS MY ROOM NOW" I shouted down the stairs Riley's face instantly dropped. I don't even know why he gave her a second chance nor do I. Her face changed back and she attached her and Jeremy's lips again like Gage (this isn't her ex-boyfriend, this is her best friend) didn't exist. He walked up the stairs and to me, he looked straight at her " we are over for good" he said sternly "bro I'm sorry I didn't know she was you-" Jeremy said "shut up that's what you said last time when you made out with Jordan I want you both out of my house and lose my number Riley also leave my best friend the hell alone" I said as nice as I can keeping my calm.

"More than gladly" she said as they walked out the room "I'm so sorry Gage" I said "no don't be sorry I should have known she was gonna do it again, the only reason why I hadn't talked to you in months was because of her she wants to always hang out with my guy friends so don't be sorry" he said "oh" I said. He nodded his head and Hayes walked in "hey baby" he said smiling at Sasha "hey babe" she said smiling back "hayes wanna go play Xbox downstairs" Gage asked Hayes. Hayes nodded and the boys headed downstairs.


Hey their guys it's me Kayleen, sorry for such a long wait on this update but I've been a little caught up in school work and stressing over my grades which in full honesty aren't bad because I got A's and B's. But I really started to study harder becasue I want more A's.

So no more about school. Also lately I've been honestly thinking harder about how people tell me that I really need to mature, but I always think, 'Dude hold up I'm 12 years old not 20 something I'm a kid living my life they way I'm pleased to'. Also I've been really depressed lately to much over whelming things in life and now I feel like I have no one to turn to because I had two of the closest people to me leave my life, the one still tries to talk to me but I won't answer beacasue she made me really hurt by something she said.Also their is this one thing that is constantly stressing me out because it ruined my childhood but I won't tell anyone because I don't feel comfortable talking about it because it's really not a joke.

But no more stress talk! On a more funnier note on Sunday me and my mom were going somewhere and she got pulled over for "speeding" and the funny part about it is her court date is April 1st! Hahaha!!!

So if you read my other story Ifinity then you shall know that I uploaded chapter 10 so give me your opinion on that story in the comments. I was wanting to say I might take like a week off becasue of this stress. If you don't want me to leave then comment please I'm tired of the stress I swear but my teacher isn't helping none!

If you have ideas for the next chapter kik me at @duckyswagger8 and if you want to follow me on instagram @lil_fisha_8. That's a wrap! I love you all so much stay fab and keep swimming my fish 🐠🐠

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