About the Author!!!!!!

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Which Magcon boy is your favorite? ~I like all boy but if I had to chose one it would have to be Matt

What is your favorite color? ~I like neon colors because they're brighter colors

What's your full name? ~Kayleen Renee Fisher

Where are you from? ~Brookfield, Ohio

How old are you? ~12

When is your full birthday? ~Feburary 8, 2002

What is your favorite food? ~any food really besides the foods I don't like

Who are three of the most recent people you talked to? ~ My friends Vinnie, Brooke, and Carmen

What inspired you to write 'Twins'? ~ummm mostly reading my friends book 'Being a Grier' by "brookegrier"

What do you type on? ~I actually type on my iPad because I lost my iPod

Have you ever stolen anyone's ideas? ~Never ever have stolen anyone's ideas! Because I like original better! so why steal?

What types of music do you listen to? ~country, pop, an a very little bit of rap

What's your favorite songs currently? 'Flights' an 'Distance' by Jack and Jack, and 'a thousand years' by Christina Perri

Who is your best friend? ~a boy from my school his name is Carmen

Have you ever regret any of the choices you made? ~honestly no, not even the bad ones because I learned my mistakes from them

What's one thing you look forward to every summer? ~going camping with my family

How many siblings do you have? Are they boys, girls, or a mix? ~I have 3 siblings an they are all boys, I'm the on,y girl and I'm the youngest!

Who is your favorite person? ~I would have to say my 8 month old cousin

Have you ever friend zoned someone? ~yes!

Is their one person that you used to be really close to but then started drifiting apart, and they started talking about you behind your back? ~yes!!

Who do you go to for advice for bullying? ~my parents

Who are 2 people that can make your day? Brooke, and Carmen

Have you ever been in a tornado? ~yes when I was younger

What is your favorite number? ~8

That concludes 24 questions about me! I hope it helped you learn a little more about me besides my name and age! I love you all, stay fab an keep swimming my fish🐠🐠

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