Chapter 33 (home sweet home)

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(1 week later)

Dallas' POV

I walked through the door to our house. Wow so many things have happened in just a week and 3 days I do believe. I walked upstairs to my room dropped my bag on the floor right next to my door and ran and jumped on my bed.

"I missed you so much bed!!!!" I shouted to my bed as I laid my head face flat into the covers.
"HEY WHAG ABOUT ME!!!!" sky shouts I jump up and turn around and run to sky picking her up and spinning her around and pulling her in for a hug. "God I've missed you to sky I love you don't let anything every change that okay" I whispered to her.

"Don't worry Dallas I won't I wove you" she said in the softest whisper I ever heard. "Wanna go in the pool outback" I asks sky "YEAH!!" she screamed happily. "what I don't get any loving sky-sky" Nash said standing in my doorway.

She ran an jumped in his arms aww that brotherly love. "Alright get goin I got to change in to my swim suit" I said facing Nash and sky.

Nash's POV

I walked up stairs and saw Skylynn "what i don't get any loving sky-sky" I said facing her and Dallas. She ran and jumped up in my arms I spun her around and pulled her into a hug. Oh my gersh I missed this little girl.

"Alright get out I gotta change in to my swim suit" Dallas said as I walked up the hall to my room an dropped my bag off sky still in my arms. she jumped to my back and we walked across the hall to skylynns room "alright sky go get your bathing suit on and we can go swimming out back."

Skylynn got off my back and ran to her dresser I walked back across the hall shut the door and put on swimming trunks on. I walked to the door and opened it and jessie, sky, dallas, and Sasha, were standing in my doorway.

I hugged Jessie "I missed you even though it's been 29 minutes" I said cupping her cheeks and planting a soft kiss on her lips "I've missed your kisses" she whispered in my ear.


Okay this was sorta short but hope you enjoy because I'm bored and it's 10:12 at night and I have school tomorrow but I don't care!!! so ily guys and gals....keep swimming my little fishies 🐠🐟!

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