Chapter 21 (falling)

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Dallas' POV

We all walked in the living room and their was a knock on the door "I'll get it" Nash yells. I'll miss sky for a month. My parents walk in to the living room, I ran and hugged them "I'm going to miss you and sky" I whispered to my parents "we'll miss you to" they said.

I walked back to the couch and sat down between Aaron and Alex. This can't be any more awkward can it. I got on the floor and then we all watched a 21 jump street then I sorta fell asleep on the floor.

I woke up to screaming. OMG what now. I walked to where the screaming was coming from down in the basement. So I walked down the stairs and their were all the boys messing around and wrestling "you guys are annoying I was taking a nap" I said. They all looked up at me.

"Whatever" I said walking back up the stairs and running in to Alex "hey" he said "hi" I said (Alex has brown hair, light green eyes, he's 5'6, he's skinny, and he has abs) "so what are they doing down their" he asked "go see for yourself" I said rudely walking away.

Hayes' POV

I was downstairs in the basement and I got a text from Brianna.
~Text convo~ Hayes=h bri=b

B:hey babe

H:hey wanna come over

B:uhh is Dallas home?

H:yeah why wouldn't she be, don't you like her??

B:no not really

H:I'm sorry to say this but if you don't like my sister then were gonna have to split because I already put my sister through shit this summer

B:really Hayes your breaking up with me over your stupid sister

H:yeah our saying is "bro's before hoe's" and if you can't deal with my sister then your going bye bye

B:do you know who I am??

H:yeah my ex-girlfriend who is no better than my other ex Jordan I mean if you want me to I'll let you come over but you will get your ass kicked by Dallas because I'm showing her all these texts

B:what ever Hayes you didn't deserve me anyways I'll get with Alex
~end of convo~

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