Chapter 17 (truth or dare)

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Jessica's POV

"Hey you guys wanna play truth or dare with me and the boys?" I asked the three of them, "uh yeah sure" Dallas says, "sounds fun!" I think her name is Brianna, says in a cheerful tone.

We all walked into the living room, and I watched Dallas as she eyed Aaron, I pulled her aside, "oh someone's got a crush!" I said teasingly, "no I don't he stole my seat!" she said furious. We walked back to the living room by the boys "get out of my seat NOW! Aaron." she demanded, he looked at her and just continued his conversation, about his new beanie with Matt. "Nikole (A/N: Dallas's middle name) come sit on my lap and lets play" I suggested, "okay" she said bummed, and lazily she sat on my lap.

Nash went first "Dally (A/N: Dallas' nickname from Nash) truth or dare?" he asked, "truth, knowing you I would have to do something I'd make you regret" she snarled at him, "is it true you like Aaron?" he asked, oh god she looks like she's gonna kill him, "NO...eww nasty I told you awhile back I don't like like none of these boys" she said, "Matt truth or dare?" she asked, "uh dare..." he replied, "I dare you and Sasha to make out...for 20 seconds" she said confidently.

Dallas' POV

"I dare you and Sasha to make out..for 20 seconds" I said, he gave me this dirty look, and then followed by Sasha. "I'm sorry I'm only doing what cam texted and told me to do" I said.

I looked down at my phone again wondering how he even got my number but I put it in as 'Cam bear'. She gave Cameron this look like 'dude really?'. Then she walked over to Matt and sat on his lap. She then turned her head to Matt and they started making out. She got off his lap walked to me and gave me puppy eyes and she mouthed 'let me sit on Jesse's lap too' I scooted over so she had space.
The game went on, for an hour, and Aaron was looking at me. Everyone got up and walked to the kitchen and I turned on a episode of Teen Wolf that I had missed. Aaron scooted over to me, "sorry about earlier, I didn't know you had a certain seat till today" he said, showing a smile, "yeah well I do" I said, with a small blush, "oh my god, is this Teen Wolf?" he asked, with an excited look, "yerp!" I said. I put my head on the arm of the couch, put my knees up to my chest, and cuddled with Shadow, Scarlette, and Star. I grabbed my fuzzy purple blanket off the back of the couch.

Aaron sat on the other couch, "aww, look at the love bugs" Nash said "what?!" I asked, "you and Aaron" Nash said, "um, no we're watching Teen Wolf, and plus he's 15 and I'm 13" I said, "and plus I'm cuddling with my puppies" I added, "mmmmmhhhhmmmm, you better be cuddling wit yo puppies" Brent said, "shut up I'm watching tv" Aaron said, "where and the hell did he come from?!" I asked, Nash laughed "he came yesterday, but stayed in a hotel because it was really late" Nash spoke.

Nash and Brent walked away, thank god they left. I tweeted: cuddling with muh puppies ❤️. I had gotten a text from a mystery number.

A-hey it's Aaron

I looked up from my phone, "how did you get my number?" I asked him, "it's classified information" he said, adding a smirk, "no, really how did you get my number?" I asked, "Hayes and Nash. Don't hurt me" Aaron said, I laughed at what he said, I got up paused the show, then walked in the kitchen.

"What the heck?" I asked, glaring at Nash and Hayes, "what?" they asked, with a smirk on their face, "so you're just going to give my number out?" I asked, "it was a joke!" Nash said, "mhmm" I hummed, walking out of the kitchen and Nash was surprised.

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