Chapter 36 (reunion)

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Nash's POV

Hayes and I were walking through the door and we saw Sasha and Dallas. We totally fangirled over our own sister. "Dallas your alive" Hayes shouted as we ran to her. She didn't say anything she just hugged us, the doctor came in the room "ahh miss. Dallas your awake we're going to get some test and later on you will be able to go home" the doctor said "ok" she said "well guys we're taking her now so she can go home early" the doctor said.

***after the boring test***

"Where is cam at" Dallas asked "he's at the house cleaning up" Sasha said. We walked to the car and got I'm "everyone buckled" I asked "yeah" everyone said in unison.

Cam's POV

I'm walking around the house anxiously waiting for everyone to get home especially Dallas I hope my little sister is alright the only thing they told me was she's alive. All of a sudden I hear the door open I get up off the couch and walk to the door "DALLAS" Dallas screamed "GRIER" I screamed back I ran to her and gave her a big bear hug "cam.i.cant.breathe" Dallas said I let go "sorry" I said oh my loving lord she's okay. "I called uh Brent, Matt, Aaron, and Lilly" I said "WE'RE HOME" Brent screamed "OMG LILLY" Dallas shouted running to Lilly.

Dallas' POV

"LILLY" I screamed running past everyone to Lilly, "umm what about me" Brent asked "um she loves me more" mahogany said walking through the door "MAHOGANY" I screamed running to her. "BABE" Cameron screamed running to us, I jumped out of the way as cam hugged her "hey I love you to" mahogany said "sorry I haven't see you since Magcon" cam said "I know I missed you to" mahogany said kissing cam "but anyways what about me" Brent said again "Ohhhh I can't forget my brentie boo boo" I said giggling at the nick name. I walked up to him and gave him a hug along with Matt, and Aaron.

I walked to my dogs and hugged them they have gotten big. "MOVIE TIME PUPS" I said to the puppies as I walked to the couch they followed behind me. Everyone else jumped on the couch, all of a sudden my phone light up, I checked it and I had a text from gage.

***text convo***

G-hey baby are you okay

M- yeah I'm chilling at home now when do you move here?😊

G-uh actually we just pulled in right across the street I'm heading over now😘

M-yay the doors unlocked everyone is here😍😘

G-alright see you in a few

I locked my phone and locked eyes with the tv we were watching Garfield when their was a knock on the door "I GOT IT!" Hayes said jumping up from the couch "GAGE!!" Hayes screamed I jumped up and ran to the door "Gagie I missed you" I said jumping into his arms "I missed you too but take it easy" he said "come watch Garfield with us" I said walking back to the living room. I sat between gage and Aaron. I laid my head on Gage's shoulder "I love you" gage whispered in my ear then he turned his face and kissed me. I turned my head back to the tv and continued to watch tv.

"Alright guys I'm going up stairs to shower Sasha, Lilly, Mahogany, and Jessie do you guys wanna come up" I asked "yeah sure" the girls said in unison. I walked up the stairs to my room as the girls followed "so why did you want us to some with you" Lilly asked "because I don't feel safe and I don't want the Boyd in here when I'm showering that would be awkward" I said walking to my dresser grabbing my American eagle top and some pj shorts that had 'DORK' on the back I grabbed a new bra and underwear.

I got in the shower did my usual got out and got dressed. "Ok I'm done" I said walking to my bed "hey Dallas why don't you ever wear make-up I mean you have the expensive stuff" Jessica said "I don't know" I said staring at all the make-up I owned. "Sit here were gonna do your make-up" the four girls said excited. I sat their for maybe five minutes, "we are done" mahogany said. I stood up and walked to the mirror wow I am so shocked "I'm taking a picture and posting on twitter" I said I picked up my phone from my night stand and snapped a picture and posted it to twitter 'chilling with my besties and they did my make-up 😜😝😍😘😚❤👏💋' I posted it to twitter and instantly got 1000 retweets and likes.

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