Chapter 46 (And the party continues!!!)

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Nash's POV

The boys and I high fived each other. The door to my bedroom opened, "what did I miss" Jessie asked walking into my room, I sighed in relief "we dropped a water ballon from the window and Hayes just so happened to be there. And he is really mad" Carter explained, "ooo your in trouble, peace I want no part of this" Jessie said walking out of the room and shutting the door.

"What are we gonna do" I shouted, soon enough the door opened and in walked Hayes. "Hayes whatcha doing" I asked nervously "just grabbing Dallas' phone she left it in here" he said grabbing Dallas' phone and walking out.

Hayes' POV

I handed Dallas her phone "wanna take a selfie under water" she asked me, I nodded my head. We jumped in the pool and opened our eyes, Dallas snapped a picture, I swam back up "ok kids time to open presents" mom shouted.

*bonfire time*

Dallas' POV

"I still can't believe you got me that huge box of lemon heads" I said to Cameron "yeah because I showed it to him" Nash said. I plopped down on the lounge chair with my blanket "thanks mama, this was the best day of summer so far" I said, "your welcome dear" she said smiling cheekily. oh how I loved my mother, she is always there for me and always has the right advice to give.

We all sat by the fire Dana and Matt sharing a lounge chair, Hayes and Sasha cuddling on the hammock, Nash and Jessie sitting side by side in chairs, Cameron and Mahogany chatting away, Carter, Johnson, and Gilinsky talking about new xbox games, Aaron, Lilly and Taylor were messing around and taking selfies, Shawn, Will, and Brent fighting over who got the last chip, Lexie sitting next to me, Sky, and I laid in the lounge chair snuggled together wrapped in my soft, fuzzy, and warm blanket staring at the stars.

"I love you sissy" Skylynn said placing a soft kiss on my cheek, "I love you to Sky" I said wrapping my arms around her, "I want smores mama Grier" Taylor shouted "alright Taylor I'll be right back with stuff for smores" she replied walking off into the kitchen.

*next morning*

Turns out we all fell asleep at the bonfire last night, well beisdes mom and she most've took Sky with her in the house. I sat up and strecthed out, I am the first awake, well atleast I think I am. I get up and walked to the kitchen, to my surprise my mom wasn't up "it must be really early then" i said to myself "nah, it's 8:57" Jack J. said behind me I jumped "Jesus freaking lord people, you scared the piss out of me" I shouted holding my chest trying to steady my breathing, "sorry" he replied "douche" i muttered to myself, "what was that" he asked, "nothing" i replied.

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