Chapter 26 (twin tag)

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Hayes' POV

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to do a twin tag Hayes" Dallas asked "yeah that would be cool bonding time" I simply said.

Dallas sets up her camera and we get started "Hey guys it's your girl her Dallas and today I'm doing the twin tag with my twin brother Hayes Grier" she said pointing at me "so let's get started.... Sophia asks 'what's on thing that annoys you most'" Dallas reads "uhh his girlfriends that's what I'm sticking with what about you" she asked me "uh that you always annoy me" I said smirking " next question is form Jordan 'where are you'" "uh stalker much" we say in unison and we go to the next question "k so next question is from Parker 'what's your favorite song'" I read from my twitter "uh mine would have to be DARK HORSE by Katy Perry" I said "well mine would have to be SAY SOMETHING with Christina Agulara" (sorry if spelt wrong) Dallas said.

***30 mins later***

Nash's POV

I was sitting on Jessie and I's bed on my phone playing Flappy Bird and I just can't get past the 49th tube. Jessie sat up and looked at me strange "are you okay" she asked with a weird looking face on "yeah I can't beat the 49th pipe....damn it!" I said "here babe give me your phone" she said and I handed we my phone.

After about 5 minutes I get my phone back my new high score was 567 "WHAT!!" I shouted "what " she said worried "how did you get that far not fair" I said like a little kid "babe" she said giggling. I crawled where she was laying on the bed "I love you" I whispered in her ear, and bit her ear lobe "babe stop their is 3 other people around" she whispered.

Jessie's POV

Nash crawled up to me and whispered in my ear "I love you" he then bit my ear lobe which sent tingles through my body "babe their are 3 other people around" I whispered in his ear "no, Dallas and Hayes are downstairs chilling with Aaron an Lilly" he whispered in my ear.

Our lips met, and he put his tongue at my bottom lip asking for an entrance and I accept. We were in a heated make out session for at least 1 minute and it felt so right I'm just not ready to lose my virginity until I know that person isn't gonna fuck me over.

I was distracted by Nash "babe!!!!" he whined "what!!!" I whined copying him "let's do it again" he said referring to our little session "no". I said teasingly but he gave those baby blue puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist and I caved in.

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