Chapter 19 (who's he)

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Jessica's POV

I woke in bed next to Nash I smiled. He is so adorable I walked over to the bathroom got a shower put on my bra an underwear and walked over to my dresser (yes I have a dresser at Nash's because I intend to stay here a lot) opened my drawer to find a top.

"Morning baby" Nash said in his sexy morning voice, "morning babe I'm gonna go make bacon and eggs for all everyone. Last night when you fell asleep, your mom called and I answered she said that their coming home today and taking Sky with them to go on a trip, so us teenagers can do our thing" I said, I looked through my dresser drawers trying to find some clothes, "ok, you should really get dressed before one of the boys walks in and thinks were doing somthing" Nash said as he winked, "your nasty" I said, I pulled out a purple tank top, white studded shorts, and purple and white socks and got dressed. Before I walked out the door I said, "you should really get ready for the morning babe" and walked out the door.

Dallas' POV

I was down stairs chilling on the couch cuddling with Aaron and I looked up to him, "your a good brother" I said to him, "thanks I'm glad that I can be your big brother" he said, we were watching grown ups 2, "I hate to deny it but as much as I say I hate the boys I actually don't, they're like my other brothers from other mothers" I said as we laughed.

Jessica walked down the stairs, "I'm making bacon and eggs, and you guys are cuddling" she said, giving an confused look, "it's not what it looks like, he's like a brother to me" I said, "Dallas" Jessie asked, "yeah" I replied, "can we talk" she asked, "uh yeah" I said. I walked with her to the hallway, "why are you so lovey-dovey all of a sudden" she asked, I just let the tears pour, "Nikole what's wrong" she asked confused.

"My best friend Genesis' sister was killed, and I was really close to her, I just need to do something with my life I mean I beat a girl, I flipped out on Hayes and barely have friends because of my brothers fame I have no life" I said crying harder.

"I understand that's how it was when my grandma died except the fame part, but anyways my point is when I met Nash that all changed and my world stared to brighten, I mean everything my parents did, it wouldn't help, but Nash, he was the answers to my prayers" she said, "so your saying I need to fall in love" I asked, "yeah or find something that really interest you" she said, "I'm not ready to fall in love" I said crying.

I walked out of the kitchen and just as i passed the door their was a knock great someone's here. I walked to the door and opened it "hi I'm Alex Caniff, I'm Taylor's brother"

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