Chapter 4 (at the beach)

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Dallas's POV

"Yeah, I guess just be back before dark this time sash" Camron said, "yeah Dally be back before dark" Nash piped up, I ran up to my room to get a extra swim suit and towel for Sasha. As I walked in my room Hayes runs over to me, "I'm so sorry" he said, "back off Hayes come back to bed" Jordyn interrupted.

"Back out of me and my brothers conversation, you're such a bitch!" I exclaimed she didn't say anything, "yeah that's right" I said, "shut up Dallas, she's my girlfriend leave her the fuck alone" he said, "I will when I'm out of this house, in 3 minutes and don't bother to talk to me because last I checked it was 'bros before hoes' so yeah don't talk to me till you grow balls and you learn somthing" I said sternly as I got the extra swim suit and towel. I ran downstairs tears just ready to leave my eyes. I reached Sasha and Sky "alright guys ready to leave" I asked, hiding the pain, "yeah" they replied in unison.

Sasha's POV

I seen Dallas running down the stairs ready to cry and I was honestly worried she's like my sister. "You ready to go?" she asked, "yeah" Sky and I said in unison. We walked out the door it was only 1:43p.m. so instead of going to get ice cream first we decided to go swimming, then get ice cream on our way back.

"Hey what's wrong Dallas?" I asked, "I fought with Hayes again," she said tears just slowly escaping her eyes. "About what?!" I asked worried, "his whore of a girlfriend, Jordyn" she said, "HEY! I'm here to you know?" Sky said, "yeah Sky we know your here to" Dallas and I said together, "oh the one you whooped their a- I meant beat their butt" I said, she laughed, "yeah" Dallas said.


So I somewhat promised last chapter I would update again so here it is. Peeps don't be afraid to message me or comment some situations that could happen between Jordyn and Dallas.

I love y'all

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