Chapter 50 (4 months later)

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4 months later

Dallas' POV

In the period of 4 months, my hair has grown mid thigh length, and it became lightly wavy, I've grown about 2 inches tall, and I never made up with Jordyn. She moved like 4 hours away from us. Oh and Hayes won that bet between Brent and himself earning $40.

Chad and I have been friends for the past 4 months and I mean it's pretty obvious that he likes me, and I sorta like him too, but I told him he's gotta work to be in a relationship with me, due to the trust issues I've developed, Hayes and Sasha are still going strong as well as Nash and Jessie, Dana and Matt, and Lexie and Evan. I know your thinking where is Cam and Mahogany? They didn't even seem like a couple so they broke up but I'm totally shipping Jox right now.

*Present Day*

I moped out of bed, it's only 12 something in the afternoon, I quit regular schooling so now I'm taking online schooling because I've been focusing more on my photography study. I occasionally do photo shots for the boys and my doggy, Star, let me tell you she has grown! I put on a hoodie, and fixed my sweat pants. I walked to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and hair, applying very little makeup (yes I said makeup), and I put on my glasses.

I walked to the kitchen to find Hayes piling whip cream in his hand at the fridge, "you weren't gonna use that on me were you?" I questioned Hayes, he jumped sending whipped cream everywhere, he turned around, "Jesus, what was that 'Stealth Mode/Ninja Dallas' ?" Hayes asked holding his hand to his chest.

I laughed at the whip cream on his bare chest, "no I just came to get some fruit loops, do some school work in the kitchen, possibly play some GTA 5, and work on Gymnastics" I said finishing off my sentence as my phone buzzed in my pocket. "Oh" he replied, "your cleaning that up Poobear" I said unlocking my phone.

Text from:

Chad- good morning!!!

Me- hey Omelet!!

Chad- what's that even supposed to mean?

Me- listen here city slicker, it's me and Nash's thing, now that you know I'm gonna have to murder you. Where do you want to be buried?

Chad- Ariana Grande's bedroom

Me- well then?

Chad- tell Hayes I'm coming over later ok? :)

Me- what eves you can waist his time, I got fruit loops to eat. Byeee!

I locked my phone, taking one last look at Hayes hard at work cleaning the kitchen, and turn on my heel as Nash scared the living hell out of me! My fruit loops went flying onto the floor, I sighed in frustration. Ugh boys!

Nash's POV

I watched Dallas's cereal fly down to the floor, she sighed frustrated, I shrugged and walked back to the living room. What a morning for her I guess? I found someone's Mac book on the couch so I got on it and took a random selfie and posted it to twitter and instagram, soon finding out that it was Hayes's. Of course it would be his, cause' Dallas leaves her's in her room, and I leave mine under the bed due to Hayes and Dallas's evil twin time when they hacked me.

I got off the Mac book and turned the tv on, I flipped through stations landing on MTV. There was this show on called, Faking It, I do believe that's what it was called. I don't know but it seemed interesting, and since today wasn't Monday and the new episode of teen wolf wasn't on I decided to watch it. Later realizing I found an interest in the tv show.

Hayes' POV

I finished cleaning up the whip cream, a secret between me and you, that whip cream was for Dallas. Dallas was still cleaning her cereal off the floor, I walked into the living room I sat on the couch next to Nash. "Whatcha doin?" I asked him, he shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know, watching this show" he said.

Dallas walked into the room, "guys I'm doing a Q & A, do you wanna help me?" Dallas asked, "I will" Nash, and I said in unison, "ok, give me a second to set up" she said.

Dallas' POV

Everything was all sat up, as I sat on the couch between the two boys. Mom was out, and Sky was at a play date. I turned on the camera, "Hey guys! Dallas here, with my dork brothers, Nash and Hayes. Today we are gonna be doing a question and answer, we are each doing 3 questions" I said, Nash pinched me, so I punched him in the room, he rubbed his arm after to relieve the pain.

Question 1:

"How can you stand being with Hayes for longer than 15 minutes?"

Nash read the question off from his phone, "um, I honestly don't know" I said, Nash just shrugged his shoulders.

Question 2:

"What are you planning to do now that you take online schooling?"

I asked, "well I'm gonna work on my acting career" Nash said, "I'm working on my Photography, and speaking of school I gotta do my work when we're done" I said, "I don't" Hayes said.

We wrapped up the video, and I started my school work. I finished up the little amount of school work I had, "FUDGE!" I shouted to myself. I have a photo shoot today, I rushed to the bathroom jumping in the shower. I washed my hair, and body. I jumped out of the shower, I dried my hair and body, I brushed my hair, ran to my dresser and grabbed a batman crop top, and black high waisted shorts, and put them on.

I grabbed a pair of vans and slid them on, I applied little make up, and put my glasses on. I ran down the stairs, "Nash, my photo shoot is today in 30 minutes" I rushed out, "okay, I'm putting my shoes on now" he said jumping up, he slid on vans, we ran out the door to the car an jumped in, we buckled up and Nash started the car and drove to the building.


That's it guys the last chapter, I enjoyed writing for you guys, you were so supportive and I love you all.

Stay gab and keep swimming my fish

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