Chapter 6 (hate much)

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Dallas POV

"Guys it's 5:30 let's get Ice cream and head home," I suggested, "alright" Sky said we headed to the ice cream shop.

"Hi! welcome to Sherri's Sweets how may I help you today?!" the cashier asked enthusiastically, "uhm, I want a pecan mud slide with extra pecans" I said, "I want the same except extra Carmel" Sasha said, "I want a banana boat with extra sprinkles!" Sky said "okay your total is $12.97" the lady said, "here you go" Sasha said. We got our ice cream and headed home.

-At home-

Dallas POV

We walked through the door quietly and heard Cameron's big mouth "DO IT, DO IT!!" I wondered what he was talking about, so I walked in the living room and looked at them all Nash, Hayes, Jordyn, Jessica, Matt, Cam, and Carter.

I stared at them, "do what?" I asked, "oh she's back" Jordyn said, "shut the fuck up! you ugly whore. Why don't you leave me the HELL alone?! This is my house not yours so back off. If I wanted I could kick you out right now but if I do that then I'm going to have to kick Hayes out to! So keep your slutty mouth shut" I said getting ready to walk in the kitchen and heard all the boys, besides Hayes saying "ohh."

Hayes got up walked to me looked me in the eyes, "can we have a word alone in the kitchen Dallas?" he asked, "sure Hayes why don't we bring your shadow with us" I offered, as we walked in the kitchen.

"What has gotten into you?" he asked arching an eyebrow, "I don't know Hayes lets see, you dated Jordyn for two days and in the second day of dating her she beat me up, I pleaded for you to help, but we see how that resolved, and not only that on the same day she cheated on you with your best friend, Josh then 3 days later you get back together and you started acting like a dick again! So Hayes what's gotten to me? What's gotten into you? huh?" I said pushing my finger into his shoulder and putting my hand back down to my side.

He started to say something but I cut him off, "save it Hayes I'm tired of fighting I want to hangout with my friends minus you and your psychotic girlfriend."

I walked upstairs and put on my cheetah print onesie, I walked down stairs and sat on Jessie's lap, "what's wrong?" she whispered in my ear, "I'll tell you later" I whispered back, "what time is it Hayes" I heard Jordan say from the hallway, "it's uh, 6:35" he said, "ugh!" Jordyn said as she walked in the living room fixing her pajama's, "hey what's she have pajamas on for isn't she going home" I asked, Nash gave me a look and I knew she was staying "yay! my night can't get any better" I said sarcastically.

"Shut up Dallas" Jordyn said, "Oops did I say that aloud" I asked, "you are such a..." I cut her off "shut up! Be happy I'm not killing Hayes or who ever approved of you staying " I said rudely, "do you wanna go Grier" Jordan asked, "save it Halls I'm not scared of you" I said intimidatedly.


Oh snap! Stuffs about to go down!

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