Chapter 11 (eviction? Or nah?)

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Hayes's POV

Did my brother just really say that to me? I was so confused why doesn't anyone like Jordyn? I didn't want to sleep in a hotel room for a week since that's how long Jordyn wanted to stay, so I decided to break it off. I walked in the house and was in the living room right next to the love seat getting ready to head for the stairs when I noticed a girl intensively making out with some boy who must have got here while I was outside getting a pep talk.

I walked to meet the dude maybe he brought his girlfriend but then when I got closer I noticed the streak of black and her strawberry red hair it was, Jordyn.

When I got closer she jumped up "Hayes! He kissed me it's not what it seems like" Jordyn said quickly wiping her mouth, "uhh no you started making out with me first, bro I'm sorry my name is Jeremy" Jeremy said.

"Dude it's fine you can have her she's all yours" I said walking up the stairs, "what?!" Jordyn asked. I just continue to walk up the stairs past all rooms and I stopped right in front of mine but faced the opposite direction...Dallas's room. I'm so sorry Dallas, I really am.

Dallas's POV

It felt good to know people actually care. Nash was on the pull out bed that was like drawers on my bed sleeping, Jessica against the wall awake, Me in the middle half awake half asleep, and little Sky laying on the other side asleep. Sasha had went to Nash's room to stay with Cameron. Thank goodness my bed was a king size bed or we would be smushed and Sky would fall off the bed onto Nash. My eyes started getting droopy and I fell asleep.

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