Chapter 24 (curious)

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***1 day later***

Nash's POV

I walked up stairs and heard giggling coming from Dallas' room. I open the door her, Aaron, Jessie, and Hayes, were chilling in her room "what are you guys doing" I asked "uh nothing watching Aaron fail dramatically" is all I got "what's he failing at" I asked.

I had to admit I am kind of jealous because me and Dallas haven't been spending all that much time together lately. But I noticed theirs someone who has been.... Jessie.

"He's failing at doing Hayes' makeup" she said in between giggles, I looked over to see Hayes with this horrible smudge make "god Aaron even sky does her make up better" I said full in laughing.

Jessie continues to giggle (her giggle is so sexy)...i know that's not why their all in here something is up.

But anyways back to my thoughts. I got to talk to Jessie later and I need to spend more time with Dallas but were leaving for magcon Orlando tomorrow.

Hayes' POV

Oh man our plan was almost ruined. Just as Aaron was going to put this black stuff on my eyelashes I got a group text with Jordan (ohh no not her again) and Brianna (her to come one man)

-text convo-
J-Jordan B-Brianna H-Hayes

J-hey babe were back and better than ever

B-yeah babe were back and were coming after you sister

H-leave my sister the fuck alone she didn't do anything to you Brianna and Jordan she just whooped your ass which she clearly helped me see through you

B-see Hayes your sister is and attention whore and you won't ever have a girlfriend until she's gone and out of your life

J-Hayes we're going to help you get rid of her so you can have a life again

H-what are you going to do to her

J-kill her!!!

H-you do realize if you KILL my sister then you will never have a chance with me again.... like that would ever happen anyway

B-don't worry babe we're just helping you

I quickly added Nash, and Jessie to the convo because I need back up I didn't want anything to happen to my sister.

Je-Jessie N-Nash

N-your not doing anything to my sister you dumb bitch!!!

J-yeah you little cunt leave her the fuck alone!!!!

B-sorry unfortunately that's something I can't do because that girl is controlling Hayes' life

-end of text convo- (for me)

I left the group chat I didn't want to seem two exs planing on killing my sister.

Dallas' POV

When Hayes got some texts I seen his happiness turn to scared and sadness, and I was curious what was going on with him. Next thing I Jessie is apart if it then Hayes quits but Jessie doesn't she seems really pissed. Hayes got another text but this time I see the happiness return in my brother.

"Are you packed for magcon already" Hayes asks me "yeah why" I asked back (you know the annoying thing when someone asks you a question and you answer with a question) "we are leaving earlier than expected" he said unhappy "why is Jessie and Nash coming to" I asked worried "yeah we need to leave now I'll explain on the plane" he said "well is Aaron coming to" I asked even more worried "yeah" Nash said walking in my room.

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