Chapter 44 (Sibiling Tag)

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Dallas' POV

Gagiepoo- Dallas I'm moving to Tennessee tomorrow

Me- WHAT!!

Gagiepoo- yeah I'm moving tomorrow to Tennessee

Me- why?!

Gagiepoo- my dad got a better job offer

Me- whatever. I'm gonna go

Gagiepoo- sorry!

I locked my phone. "Why, why me? Why does everything happen to me?!" I said to myself.

***3 days later***

I woke up and brushed my teeth, got dressed, and walked down stairs "mornin Dallas" my mom said sweetly "mornin mama" I said kissing her cheek "I was wondering do you want to spend time together an catch up on what you did so far this summer" she asked "yeah. Sounds like fun" I said "I was also thinking since I wasn't here for your birthday that we could celebrate and you and Hayes could invite friends over" she said mixing pancake batter. OMG I FORGOT ABOUT OUR BIRTHDAY!!! "Yeah that's sounds perfect" I said rushing off my seat and up the stairs to Hayes "Hayes wake up" I shouted as I jumped up an down on his bed "what" he screamed, I smirked at the work I did "we forgot about our birthday" I said, "what" he screamed sitting up "yeah it's June 21"(AN: I don't know if the time adds up. But just pretend it's June 21 if it doesn't) I said looking at his shocked face "how did we forget our 14th birthday" he asked. I thought for a second "that's the day I got shot" I said, "no way" he said, "yeah" I said "wow" he said shocked "my mom said we can invite friends over and have a little party since she missed our birthday" I said with sigh of relief "oh thank god. There was just to much drama this summer" he said, "you think I'm gonna go eat breakfast. You coming" I asked.

He sighed an nodded his head. I walked out of his room and down the stairs, and back into the kitchen an smelt fresh pancakes. I sat down an ate breakfast with everyone, I put my dirty dishes in the sink "I'm going to get dressed then we can leave" my mom said, I nodded my head and walked up the stairs to my room. I put on a white tank top, a cheetah print high wasted skirt, and black flats. I walked down stairs "you ready sweetie" my mother asked, I nodded my head and we walked to the car.

Hayes' POV

I sat on the couch thinking on who I should invite to our little party, when my phone went off with a twitter notification. I checked it to see a picture collage of me and Sasha, I saved the photo an followed the fan. I got up off the couch an walked up the stairs, it's been 2 hours since mom and Dallas left, my step dad was at work so it was just me, Nash, and sky. I walked to Nash's room an knocked on the door "come in" Nash said, I opened the door an walked in "Nash what should I get Dallas for our little birthday bash" I asked him "ummm" he said thinking "oh yeah she said that she needs a new camera and a couple new lens" he said. I nodded my head "we're home" my mom shouted, "ok" Nash and I shouted in unison "whatcha doing" Dallas asked walking through the door, "nothing" I said, "wanna do the sibling tag? Even though you and Hayes already did the twin tag" Nash asked.

I looked at Dallas, she nodded her head, then Nash looked at me, I nodded my head. He set up the camera and we got in our positions "hey guys it is me the fabulous Nash Grier. And today I am joined here with Dallas Grier and Hayes Grier, and we will be doing the sibling tag. So let's get stared" Nash said. "What are your nicknames for each other" Nash read the question, "well I call Nash. Nashtatoe or Nashnrown. And I call Hayes, hayes" Dallas said.

The video continued for another half hour. When it was finished we separated our ways. Dallas went to her room to do something, I went to my room, and Nash stayed in his room to edit the video. I laid on my bed and just thought about things when I heard Dallas scream, I ran to her room "Dallas what's wrong" I asked panicked.

AN: WHAT???? So what do you think happened?

I think I may just make a sequel to this if chapter 50 ends with a sorta cliff hanger. IDK?! This story isn't planned if you can't tell?
But anyway I love you so so much! Stay fab and keep swimming my fish🐠🐠

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