Chapter 37 (GARFIELD)

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Gage's POV (yes I'm FINALLY doing his POV)

After Dallas and all the other girls left we continued to watch Garfield "hey gage" Hayes said "yeah" I asked "if you lay your hands on our sister or do anything to harm our sister you better be out of state" he said to me "yeah thats not a threat that's a promise" Nash added "dude if I intended on hurting your sister then why would I date her" I asked them.

So enough the girls came walking down the stairs...OMG is Dallas wearing make-up. Everyone in the room was wolf whistling except for the girls. She walked over and sat in her previous seat "what do you think" she asked looking up at me "ummm you look beautiful" I said "thanks" she said "who wants to play truth or dare" dallas asked jumping up "duh all of dees people wanna play" Nash said with a major smirk...OH NO he is up to something.

Dallas' POV

"Alright I'm gonna record it and post it because I haven't vloged in a while" I said humbly walking up the stairs to my room. I grabbed my camera and tripod, an ran downstairs with them in my hands.

I made it to the living room an set up my camera I then turned it on "Hey guys it Dallas here sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I was just dealing with some things, but anyways I'm gonna be playing truth or dare. So today well tonight I'm here with Cameron Dallas, Sasha Dallas, Brent Rivera, Matt Espinosa, Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, Jessica Corton , Aaron Carpentar, Lilly Johnson, Mahogany Loxs, and Gage Corell. So this should be interesting" I paused the video "do you guys want to send out a tweet and do like a fan t or d" I asked "yes" they all said "alright tell them to tweet using the #truthordare and make sure to put your first name in all caps at the end of the hashtag " i said "ok" they said and then they pulled out their phone as well as me and we tweeted.


Hey guys doing a Truth or Dare video so send in truth or dares using the #truthordareDALLAS 😊😜

I posted the tweet "hey guys we'll do maybe 4 rounds and we each will pick 2 people per round which means 1 truth and 1 dare" I said. I started the video back up "alright so this is gonna be a fan truth or dare and the people are tweeting to the person they wanna ask so you guys wanna get started" (I'm only doing the first 2 people so Dallas, and Mahogany those are the only tweets I'm using then I'm skipping the rest) I asked turning around to them "yuppers" they said in unison.

"alright so here is my dare

1. Dallas I dare you to feed Matt a pickle.

Well dare accepted" I said walking in the kitchen grabbing a jar of pickles an walked back to the living right by Matt, I pulled a pickle out "you have to eat this whole thing so open up" I said as he opened his mount. I fed him the pickle and got back on my phone.

"Here is my truth

1. Is it true that you and Gage dating?

well actually yes he is my boyfriend and I'm his proud girlfriend" I said walking over to him and placing a soft kiss on his plump lips. "Loxs your turn" I said turning to her,

"My truth is

1. Is it true your dating Cameron Dallas?

yes it's true" she said, "and for my dare

1. I dare you to twerk on Cammy

ok" she said with an awkward face. She walked up to cam and tweaked on him.

***After truth or dare video***

Nash's POV

"Everyone you can stay over if you would like" I said half asleep on the couch "aight" they say in unison "well I'm heading to bed peeps peace love ya" Dallas said with gage trailing behind her I'm not going to over react because I know Dallas will never let anything go down in that bed "I'm heading my ass the same way, you coming with me babe" I asked Jessie "well duh I'm so tired" she said as we walked up the stairs to my room.

We got to my room "shiznit" Jessie said "what baby" I asked "can I borrow jammies" she asked. I walked over to my dresser an grabbed white Nike basketball shorts, and my lacrosse t-shirt an tossed them to her. "I'm to lazy to go to the bathroom to get dressed so don't bother me I'm getting changed right here in the middle of your room" she said. I laughed an grabbed some shorts and a top for me.

I laid in bed an a body slumped down next to me "I love you babe" I whispered to her "CAN WE WATCH GARFIELD!" Jessie asked with a sudden burst of energy "uhh yeah" I said, I quickly got up put Garfield in. We watched that for like maybe 15 minutes and feel asleep.


Alright so I'm feelin a little bit better, we are up to 1.3k reads OH MY GERSH I love you guys and gals.

Keep Swimmin my fish 🐠🐠🐠

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