Chapter 32 (Swimmin wit Dolphins)

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Jessie's POV

While we are in Orlando we decided to go do fun stuff, and since the boys didn't have Magcon today we are going to swim with the dolphins.

***at the dolphin place***

"Hi!!! I'm Danielle I will be your helper today uh here are some wet suits go get dressed and Sally, Susie, jolly, and Josie will be happy to swim with you" Danielle said smiling wide. We all got dressed and all the boys were cowards so me, Dallas, Lilly, and Danielle, went in first. "Guys this is so much fun get in" I said "NO!!!" they shrieked in a girly voice "uhh babe!!" I whined to Nash "fine" he said and I smirked. Nash got in with the girls and I "AHHHHH!!!!!!!! IT'S A SHARK!!!!!" Nash screamed in a girly voice.

Dallas was laughing so hard she cried and so did I. Nash whined because we were laughing at him "not funny" Nash said "yyy-yes it is bbb-babe" I said laughing and holding my stomach.

***30 mins later***

We got out of the wet suits and into our regular clothes and decided to go back to the hotel so we called a cab. "Cabs a here" Cam shouted we all busted out laughing and got in the cab. "So gage and Dallas how's it going" Taylor asked wiggling his eyebrows "uh good, and ew" Dallas said.

Dallas' POV

We arrived at the hotel and I ran out to the arcade this was my escape from the world. It felt like I ran and ran and ran for hours but it was only minutes. Finally I was there I put money in the coin machine thing and got $20 in coins I went straight to the photo booth and everyone else ran in right when I took the last picture. I jumped out real quick and pulled Gage in the photo booth with me we got 5 photos first was a selfie, second was a silly face, third was a kiss on the check, fourth was a kiss on the lips, and fifth we put our foreheads together and stared into each others eyes and we got out and collected our 2 slips of our 5 pics.

Lilly and Aaron did, and then Hayes and Sasha did, and the boys took random pics with fans that way to. We played a whole bunch of arcade games and went back to our hotel rooms. At like sixish all the boys came over and they made a video while me and the girls got toothpaste walked to them and smack camed them while they were recording.

"Good night boys" I said laying on my bed "bye babe see you tomorrow" Gage asked me "yeah" I said smiling Gage walked out the door "fat ass get off my bed!!!" I said to cam, taylor, and brent.

They got off my bed and me and sash laid down. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier to the point where I didn't fight the sleep I let it take over my body.

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