Chapter 28 (new friend)

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Dallas' POV

We walked back to the hotel room and found Nash and Jessie cuddling on their bed. Me and Lilly got ready for bed I put on my leopard print onesie on and let Lilly borrow my zebra print one and we laid in my bed and talked until 2 am. I think I made a new true friend that might just date my brother Aaron.

***next morning***

I got a anonymous text from someone random person.
A-anonymous person d-Dallas

A-hey baby what's going on

D-who is this

A-none of your business you'll find out

D-get ride of my number now

A-no thank you babe I think I'll keep it we can have a fun game

D-what do you want with me

A-you dead


A-you heard me I want you dead

***end of text convo***

I started crying so hard and Lilly noticed "what's wrong" she asked "I..." I was cut off from a text

A-don't tell anyone about our conversation or I'll hurt someone near and dear to you love you baby girl 😘😵👌😂😜👍

"Uhh I bit my tongue" I said lying I know exactly who this weird person is

D- what do you want Brianna and Jordan

J&B-we want you dead

I ran to Hayes and showed him the texts.

J&B-were gonna have to hurt someone now

D-how are you going to do that I'm at my aunts house in Delaware

J&B-we can get to New York

I quickly ran to Nash and showed him the texts " can I go get my number changed now???" I asked "yeah sure" he said.

***after the other boys came***

Nash's POV

"I got a new number guys" Dallas said walking in the hotel room putting everyone's numbers.

I walked over to Jessie and gave her a kiss on her check "I LOVE YOU" I said biting her lip. "I l-love you too" she said "wanna do something tonight like go out" I asked Jessie "yeah that would be cool when do the events start" she asks "uhh Friday through Sunday then and Wednesday" I said.

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