"We didn't know the words"

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the next day we went to the Nike store and two lucky girls got to shop with us. Hayden also came and his dad and some other people. We spent the day all together and just having fun and laughing. I kept noticing that Hayden was checking his phone a lot and then he would look at me. Hayden and I strayed away from the group and walked by ourselves. We decided to make a musically together. At the end of the musically we both didn't know the words so we started laughing really hard and he grabbed my arm. I stopped laughing and started smiling. Hayley then came and ran in between us. The moment, if that could even be considered a moment, had ended. The rest of the day Hayden and I talked and goofed off with each other. He kept smiling and looking at me and just when I thought things were good and perfect and maybe, just MAYBE he was interested in me, he's phone would ding. Multiple times and he'd check it. And smile at his phone and not me.

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