tears on the bathroom floor

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I ran into the bathroom and luckily nobody was in there. I let out the biggest wail of a cry I possibly could. I thought I was going to die from crying so hard. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was having a panic attack. My phone buzzed once. twice. three times. four times. five times. I took my phone out of my back pocket and it was all Hayden. Hayden. Hayden. Hayden. Hayden. I laid my phone on the bathroom floor beside me and I inhaled and exhaled. I put my head on top of my knees and cried some more. I like Hayden so much. Things were just getting good between us. They were barely starting off and he ends them. Just like that. So he never really care did he? Because if you really care about someone or something, you don't just end it that easily. Especially not after you both went through so much to be together. Or even attempt at being together. I grabbed my phone and stood in front of the mirror. I wiped the running mascara off my face and fixed myself the best I could but it looked as if I had just been hit by a train. A train called the Hayden express. And I jumped off a moving train. I made my way down the stairs and back to my station when some fans stopped me and wanted a picture. I couldn't say no. So I stopped and took a picture with two young girls and two older boys. I saw mommy and she waved me over. I guess she didn't even notice I was gone for fifteen minutes.
"Hey Annie, pass out some more bracelets." I took the bracelets out of my mommy's hand and plastered a smile on my face. I remembered Hayden's booth was right beside ours. I looked over and Mackenzie was there. But Hayden wasn't. Wonder where he was. Not that I should even care. I bet he told Mackenzie all about him ending stuff between us and now she's happier than a two year old on Christmas morning. Hayden didn't really say he was ending stuff but the way he sounded, I mean, I connected fhe dots. Was he ending stuff? Or did I jump to conclusion? Ugh, yes annie. He was. He made it crystal clear like water. I let another small tear escape my eyes.

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