Is it too late now to say sorry?

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A: How did you get my number?
J: Mackenzie gave it to me. You're really pretty!
A: thank you but I'm dating Hayden and Mackenzie knows that..
J: oh! I had no idea. My bad !
I didn't text back. Mackenzie is literally a snake! Can't she just be nice for once? Can't she just let things go? Obviously not. Hayden dumped her and she wants closure I get that. So if that's what it'll take to get her to leave me and us alone, I'll give her closure. More specifically, Hayden will give her closure. I threw my lemonade into the garbage and looked all around for Hayden. He was with Hayley and two other guys. I grabbed his arm and pulled him off.
"Can we talk?"
"Of course. What's up?"
"So, I wasn't snooping but last tonight as I walked past your phone, i saw Mackenzie texted and I saw she wanted you to meet her. So I went. She basically is butt hurt because you dumped her for no reason. So can you just please talk to her? And give her closure?" I stopped talking. I was scared he was gonna be mad.
"Yeah I guess. I just don't want to talk to her. I want her to just be over and done with me and you."
"Well she isn't gonna be.. not until you talk to her."
"How do you know that?"
"Because. Earlier she said that she wanted you still and that she always got what she wanted."
"Annie, don't let her get to you. She's all talk. She isn't ever gonna get me. Not again. I'm going to talk to her right now." He leaned in and kissed me twice. It made me feel a lot better.
"Wait! Hayden! I want to be completely honest with you. Some dude named Johnny texted me. He said Mackenzie gave him my number. I just don't want secrets or to keep things from you." I let him read the messages. He handed my phone back and left. I secretly followed him. I didn't know if he was mad at me or was mad at Mackenzie and Johnny. I followed him and got lost about three times but finally found him. Mackenzie spotted him and walked his way. They stood beside the staircase that led up to the second floor of the board walk. I hid under the staircase. I could see and hear them perfectly.
H: first off, why would you even ask me to meet you somewhere? Knowing I'm in a relationship.
M: because. I need to talk to you. You dumped me for no reason Hayden. None what so ever. So why ? Did you?
H: because Mackenzie! I saw Annie. I saw her! I like her a lot. I liked you. I did. You made me happy, once upon a time but now it's over. And I don't want you or our old relationship. Let's both be honest here and tell each other the truth. We both were never really happy and you know that. So stop making Annie feel bad and feel like she's a rebound. Just stop. And stop giving my girlfriends number out to other guys. Okay?
M: yeah. I'm sorry Hayden. I am, really. It just hurt you know? Being dropped like that. Like I was nothing. Believe it or not. I was happy with you.
She walked away. She was hurt and I felt bad. Even after all the bad things she's done to me, I still felt sorry for her. That's the kind of person I am. I have compassion. Compassion is the greatest form of love humans have to offer. And I wanted to offer Mackenzie it. I let Hayden walk off and then I made a b-line for Mackenzie.
"Mackenzie! Mackenzie, wait!" I called out for her. She turned around with a mad look upon her face. A few tears too.
"What now Annie? You got Hayden to give me closure. Thanks. Finally know the truth."
"I didn't know about any of it. I didn't know why he dumped you. I really didn't. But I'm sorry Mackenzie, I really am."
"Your sorry? For what? I've been nothing but mean to you."
"I know how it feels to like someone and be left wondering or to just be left period."
"Really? You do?"
"Yes. Mackenzie your beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have you. I see the way Johnny looks at you. Why don't you try for him?"
"I mean I want to. I guess I've just been stuck on this Hayden drama."
"Try for him, you won't regret it." I started to walk away when Mackenzie called out.
"Thank you. For everything.. I know Hayden didn't want to come and talk to me on his own. And thanks for being nice and helping me with Johnny. I'm sorry about being a real monster to you." She smirked.
"It's all okay." I laughed. Sometimes your not fighting the monsters, your fighting yourself.

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