the hug

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*just wanna say I flip flopped the last two days. The last chapter actually happened after Hayden and Annie hugged in that one vlog but yeah*

It was our last day in L.A. And I'll admit, I was sad. I didn't wanna leave the sunny and beautiful L.A. or the new and great friends we have made. Especially, Hayden. Tonight we would be going to the boardwalk thing. (Idk what that place was called) and just hanging out. We got dressed and I wore a black shirt that cut off on the shoulders and some skinny light blue jeans and some sandals. I straightened my hair and kind of parted it down the middle. We all got dressed and headed out. We ate dinner first and just hung out with Hayden and his dad and Jaydn. We walked the boardwalk thing and shopped a tiny bit. We mainly walked around and just looked. In the middle of everything was this water fountain that shot water out of the ground but as it shot out, it lit up different colors. It was kind of synchronized. Hayden decided to run threw it as the water stopped. But the trick was that you had to run fast and wisely or the water would shoot out and soak you. Everyone was trying to get me to do it but I wouldn't. Hayley was asleep on daddy so I knew soon it would be time to go. Hayden and mommy and everyone else kept trying to get me to run through it but I wouldn't so. Mommy said Hayden and them were leaving so Hayden leaned in for a hug and when he did he picked me up and carried me through it. He did it two or three times before it was finally the end of the night and we had to give our for real goodbye hugs. I was on total confusion. He hugged me and picked me up more than two times. I just let him to. I didn't even put up a fight. Mainly because it was about the second time he had done it. Mommy filmed the whole thing. I was kind f embarrassed because mommy was blogging and daddy and his dad and everyone else was watching. Who wouldn't be embarrassed? Hayden was kind of the first boy that I had ever hugged. Openly I guess. Hayden was different. I told you. I think things with him would be different. I think maybe he was my first crush. This night was perfect. After we said our for real good by hugs and went our separate ways, it wasn't until we got to the hotel and I got into bed and started getting sleepy that I realized, mommy got all of that on film and uploaded the video. I prayed and prayed and hoped that no one would start anything. That no one would ship us. Hopefully some how people would just over look that part in the vlog. Boy was I wrong. The hug that started it all.

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