Take off

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We woke up bright and early and loaded the bags into the car. Hayley was sleep already in the car and I was awake with my blankey talking to mommy.
"Hayden and his dad want his to eat lunch with them as soon as we get there. So we'll do that and then--" she started to continue but I interrupted her.
"Wait what? When did they ask for us to come?" I asked with my mouth basically half open.
"Hayden's dad texted me last night." She said and started getting the vlog camera ready. Did Hayden know about this? I wanted to text him and ask him but what if he didn't know about it? Then I could come as a surprise. I sat the whole car ride listening to music. I had two texts from Hayden but I didn't feel like replying just yet. I figured I would wait until we boarded the plane. We got to the airport and got some pretzels and vlogged until it was time to board. We got onto the plane and I sat beside Hayley. Mommy and daddy sat in front of us. Mommy vlogged and told what we were doing and that we would check in later. I decided to answer Hayden's texts.
"Just boarded the plane. Play list here we come😜" I hit send and shut my phone off. I looked out the window and waited for a response. Buzz.
"Beyonddddd excited. In a few short hours the cool kids club will be reunited. 😉" he kept adding the winky face. Made me flutter.
"Hm, can't wait. What are you guys doing for lunch??😉😜" I was hinting around and seeing if he knew.
"Seeing you, and my favorite little Hayley of course. 💁🏻" I smiled. I couldn't help but smile when talking to him. I thought about what Mackenzie said "everyone knows you like him" was it that obvious? I mean in the vlog, when we first met, I didn't like him. I was just being nice and goofy with him. I was being his friend. I didn't know I was giving off "signs" that I liked him. I didn't like him like that. But now, I'm sure of it i do like him. But if I did or didn't like him, it wasn't Mackenzie business, even if they did have a past together and even if she did like him. Who cares, Hayden probably doesn't even like me like that. Guess we'll see. We have a long journey ahead of my friend.

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