a kenzie hiss

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I didn't see Hayden or any sign of him. Not for twenty minutes. I didn't ask anybody where he was because I didn't wanna seem like I was too worried. Have you ever been hissed at by a snake? Well 99.9% of the time, it scares the crap out of you. Have you ever been hissed at by a Kenzie? In front of all her friends? Well it's different than getting hissed at by a snake. When a snake hisses, you run, scared and your heart on the ground. When Kenzie hissed it made me wanna just reach out and grab her by her neck. You wouldn't do that with a snake. So see, completely different. I passed out some bracelets and decided to walk around and maybe talk to Paige. I got stopped by, of course, Kenzie the snake.
"Hey, haven't you seen Hayden? He said he was looking for you?" She smirked and her friends laughed. I clinched my jaw.
"Well, too bad he isn't looking for you huh?" I smirked and turned around and she grabbed my arm.
"Is that-- mascara? Wow, have you been crying? I seen you and Hayden arguing. You ran off crying, like a child. What happened? Did he tell you he still wanted me?" She let go of my arm, that was now red and laughed. So did her friends. Even Jaydn.
"Actually he told me he was sick of you. Sick of you poking your nose in our business. Oh! He also said, your crazy. Now if you'll excuse me." I smiled and hit her shoulder with mine as I walked away. Screw Hayden. Screw Kenzie. I told myself, that if this was the kind of baggage that came with liking Hayden then no thanks. I'll pass. Hayden wanted to end things? Well fine. As much as it hurt, then fine. He obviously never really cared or liked me as much as he said he did. Or he wouldn't have been quick to let me go or end things. I was walking towards the stairs when I saw Hayden. He looked flushed and red. He ran my way.
"Annie! Gosh, I've been looking everywhere for you. You could've at least answered my texts." He pulled me into a hug.
"Yeah. Well, Kenzie is at your booth for you. Better not keep her waiting." I let go of him and half smiled. I tried to walk away but he wouldn't let me.
"Annie, I was wrong. I don't want to end things. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant, by us being together or working towards that step, Mackenzie is just gonna get worse. And I didn't know if you could handle it. I don't want you getting hurt." He catched my hand.
"Hayden, I can handle myself. I can handle Kenzie. I don't need your supervision. The only person who can hurt me, is you." I sniffed and crossed my arms.
"I would never." He looked into my eyes.
"Well, you know what. Things don't have to be like this. We shouldn't have to worry about Mackenzie. You could tell her something. Because I guarantee she'll listen to you. But you won't because you obviously don't care about me.." my bottom lip quivered and I walked back to my booth. I didn't look back. I didn't see his face but I knew, he did care. He did. I shouldn't have said he didn't but I guess in the spur of a moment, people tend to say whatever jumps off their tongue.

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