2 days ..

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Two days until play list. Of course I was counting down these days, as you may see. Mary-Kate and I decided to go to gym early and just practice together on some stuff. We did bars and vault, and Mary-Kate did some finish touch ups on her floor routine. We also helped Hayley master her backhand spring on the floor. She already had it, but we just made some weak points, stronger. We all went to the melting pot for dinner and as I ordered my food, my phone started to ring. It was Hayden. I got up to answer because mommy and daddy didn't know we had been texting. I was so confused on why he was calling me.
"Hello?" I answered with every bit of confusion in me.
"Annie? Yeah, it's Mackenzie. Just thought I'd call to let you know it's me. I win, you lose." She laughed immediately after saying that. I stated to feel tears form in my eyes. Except I wasn't crying sad tears, I was crying mad tears.
"Really? Whatever. Hayden told me you guys were just friends and that he didn't wanna be mean and say no when you asked to hang out. Your honestly so childish. I don't care about you and Hayden okay?" I yelled into the phone. Probably hyperventilating. Except I lied, I did care about her and Hayden. More so Hayden, but her too.
"Yeah whatever Annie. Everyone knows you do. You probably liked everyone shipping you guys. That's what made me mad. Honestly." She sounded, hurt?
"No Mackenzie, I really didn't and don't. It's not fun having people speculate and ship you with EVERY guy you talk to or look at." I shot back and crossed my arms as if she could really see me.
"trust me, I do." She replied back.
"Then why are you so mad at me? If you know I have no control over this? You have gone through the same thing as me. So why are you being so mean about it." I asked and really wanted the truth at this point. Before she responded she let out a sigh,
"Because--because I think Hayden likes you. I guess I still liked him and wasn't ready for things to be over.." she responded with what sounded like Great Depression.
"I'm sorry. Really I am, but he doesn't like me okay? I got to go." I replied back and was about to hang up when she asked me not to mention this to Hayden. Great. Cool. Of course I wouldn't. Play list should be fun. I went back to the table and mommy and daddy asked who called me. I replied with,

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