Where we are now..

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Where are we now? Life is so amazing it scares me. Hayden and I are doing everything together— everything. Sometimes I'm afraid he'll get tired of me but deep down, I know he won't. I now have four songs out and I don't think I could've done it without hayden. Chicken girls is really taking off too. I'd like to say I'm blessed for sure, extra blessed with Hayden. I think it's safe to say I love him, really really love him.
"Annie? Coming?" Hayden smiled from across the table. He snapped me out of my thoughts as always. I nodded and got out of the booth we had just ate at. Hayden, Hayley, Carson and I were going to walk the mall while Daddy, mommy and jimmy finished eating and doing whatever adults do. Hayley and Carson went into shoe stores while Hayden and I went to the food court to get a slush.
"So, I kinda got you something. I didn't wanna give it to you earlier because well- I uh just wanted it to be something special between us." He blushed and immediately stuck his hand in his pocket. I couldn't help but smile and giggle while his hand wiggled in his pocket to get whatever he got me out. I froze in time. He pulled out a tiny black box. It could only be a ring.
"Oh Hayden—" I was strucken, frozen and hopelessly in love. It was a promise ring.
"Annie, I love you. Right now everything is a blur and I can't remember if I've ever even said that aloud but I do. I know many people would say what do kids know about love, and I can say I don't know much of everything but I know for a fact I love you Annie Leblanc. This promise ring is something special. I promise to always love you." His voice quivered and my chin wobbled. I let tears fall and then let Hayden slide the ring on. My heart throbbed. I let myself cling to Hayden and I hugged him, for a while. As we got in line for a cherry slush, I admired my promise ring and everything that it meant. While Hayden ordered for the both of us, I watched him and smiled. This boy is mine. The boy I secretly liked all this time is really mine and I couldn't be happier. Hayden and I got our slushes and began walking when I heard her. Her voice. I froze and not because of the freezing cold slushie.
"Annie?" I heard once again as I slowly turned around..

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