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I avoid mirrors, because I like to pretend I am beautiful to society's standards.
when I look in the mirror, I see uneven lips,
A Crooked nose,
Too light eyebrows,
But the worst thing I see is my face when I realize how unhappy and insecure I am. I see my eyes pooling with tears, and sniffles to keep myself from letting them overflow and raining on the imperfect, ugly surface that is my face. I'm not beautiful, and I'm not attractive.
I am not society's version of beautiful.
So I avoid mirrors, and when I use one, it's to cover my insecurities and to pollute my face wth chemicals to become slightly more decent, and not a 5' 4" eyesore.
I can't snap my fingers and become perfect.
But I can try.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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