Be My Girlfriend?

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Jaehee felt arms wrap around her from behind as she was studying the new paperwork she had been given. "Be my girlfriend?"

"What's the occasion?" Jaehee asked. Jumin and her had decided since that first time she had asked him to be her boyfriend to put on a show for her cousin, that they were each other's immediate person to go to for a fake boyfriend/girlfriend.

"I need a date for a wedding," Jumin mumbled as he buried himself into her neck. Jaehee let him and thought over it, humming a bit.

"Who's wedding?"

"My great aunt's sixth one," Jumin said and Jaehee giggled at that, hearing the slight humor in his voice.

"You need a date, not a girlfriend,"

"Be my girlfriend?" He asked again and she could feel the smile appear on his face. She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face as well before grabbing his hair to force him off. "Ow," He pouted.

"You'll live,"

"I don't know about that. I might die,"

"If you die from me denying you affection at work then you've sunk low," Jaehee responded, giving him a playful smile to let him know she's not being serious. "Will there be any-" Jaehee didn't have the chance to ask as Jumin already knew what she was going to ask.


"I'll be your girlfriend, then,"

"You're so easy to bribe with food," Jumin said, even though he knew she would do it without the promise of food.


"How's your Assistant phase going so far?" Jumin's great aunt asked, who was also the bride. By 'Assistant phase', she meant Jaehee being his date. Jumin resisted the urge to roll his eyes before responding.

"I don't know, how is your sixth marriage going so far?" Jumin asked. Jaehee tried not to laugh by covering her smile with her hand and holding her breath but that didn't stop the shaking of her shoulders, ultimately giving her away. After Jaehee found the strength to stop laughing, she looked at Jumin's great aunt, who was glaring at her and decided to take a drink from her champagne glass.


Even if everyone knew that Jaehee was his assistant, that didn't stop him from wanting to do every couple thing you could possibly do at a wedding that wasn't yours. Only a few members had a problem while others just didn't care. Mr. Chairman just seemed to be happy that Jumin was finally having a good time with someone not related to him.

"Jumin, look!" Jaehee said, having gotten more comfortable with calling him by his first name. She pointed to a ice sculpture she hadn't noticed yet, since where the wedding took place was so big. "Is that a sculpture of a mermaid but reverse?" Jaehee asked as she look at the fish headed mermaid. Jumin laughed as he remembered just how weird his great aunt's new husband was.

"Apparently so. I dare you to lick it,"

"No way. You lick it," She said.

"Chicken," Jumin said before Jaehee gave a huff of annoyance, looking away from him. "Aw, Jaehee, come on," Jumin held her hand but she still didn't look at him even if she smiled at the contact.


"Want to dance?" Jumin asked as he got up from the chair he was sitting in. It was just after the bride and groom dance and now everyone was dancing. Jaehee looked like she thought for a moment before taking his hand.

"Sure," Jaehee said, causing Jumin to light up despite Jaehee having been way too close to him for the last couple of months. Jumin began to dance according to the upbeat atmosphere of the song. He didn't exactly get out there much but Jaehee made him experience a bit of a high and, honestly, he had gotten addicted to it rather quickly. He spun her around lightly before pulling her back and letting her go.


"I love you," Jaehee said before kissing him slightly, a blush dusting her cheeks and Jumin could feel a blush covering his own.

"I love you too," He said, pulling her in for a kiss that would last a bit longer than the one she had given him. He didn't even think about the location nor did he care. He could only feel Jaehee. All of his senses were filled of her and that's all he could concentrate on. He loved how she kissed him and he loved the feeling. It made him feel as if he was wrapped in a warm blanket. He was comfortable there and he'd stay there forever if he could. Unfortunately, Jumin had to pull away. He didn't want a kiss to last longer than 10 seconds, especially if it was in public.

"Driver Kim is here, Jumin," Jaehee alerted him as she looked down the road to see his driver pulling up. Jumin had told Driver Kim to be a little late because he wanted to stay a little longer with Jaehee. He knew he was a bit selfish for it but he would do it all over again if he had the choice to make a different decision. He was glad he did because he got a kiss from Jaehee. Not only that, but he also got an 'I love you,'.

Jumin wanted her to really be his but wasn't sure how. He wasn't sure if she even wanted him. He wasn't sure if she loved a kiss as much as he did or it she loved being close as much as he did. He can even admit he can get clingy sometimes. He worries that he becomes too much so. All these thoughts ran through his head as he got in the car with Jaehee.

A/N: The sequel is never as good as the original... If you guys want to ask for another one, I already have a starter for the third but I will only actually do it if you guys want.

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