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Jaehee stared at her home that was once a comfort place but was now infested with insects, a tent pitched over it. The RFA guys stood with her in silence until Yoosung spoke up, breaking the ice.

"Hey, Jaehee. I guess you'll have to live with one of us now! It'll be like a sleepover!"

"I hope you mean temporarily, Yoosung," Jumin said and Yoosung nodded.

"Of course. Anyways, do you want to live with me, Jaehee? I don't have much because I'm broke... and I'm a mess... but I go to school so you'd be alone sometimes.. actually, that might not be fine with you, do you like company?"

"It seems Yoosung isn't a good roommate," Zen said. Yoosung gave a look like he was about to say otherwise but shut his mouth as soon as it opened. "Maybe you can live with me. I don't have a lot in my fridge either but I'm clean and almost always there with the exception of my career,"

"But what about MC? Would she be jealous?" Seven perked up and Zen's face fell.

"That's right. I'm not sure what she'd react like and besides, I'm still recovering from that Echo Girl fiasco. I'm sorry, Jaehee," Zen said, his face sad and Jaehee smiled at him.

"It's okay, Zen. I wouldn't want to live with you as long as those points remain," She said. Seven tapped her shoulder.

"My turn! Okay, so, I'm always in my room and may ignore you but I can provide jokes and I have an asskicking maid. She can talk to you and provide entertainment by tasing me in front of you. I'm very messy so you may end up being my maid too... You could wear my maid costume!"

"No," She said simply, turning to Jumin. Jumin gave a sigh before looking down at her.

"I know what you're saying," He said, being able to read what she wanted. He thought for a moment. "I'm clean with the exception of my Elizabeth III's hair. I always have food. I won't make you dress as a maid. I don't have a potentially jealous girlfriend. I'm not a broke college student and some of your belongings are already at my house anyways. I suppose I'm the logical choice for you unless you'd like dressing as a maid," Jumin said, listing off things and finding almost no error.

"I will not dress as a maid," Good.

"I suppose you are my living partner for the time being then," Jumin said. "I believe you'll have to do with what I have clothing wise, though. You're locked outside your own house, after all. It's a good thing most options are either your own clothes or ones either I buy you or you buy yourself," Jaehee sighed as she looked at her own house. She never thought she'd ever live with her boss unless she were a live in nanny or something like that.


She found it was actually rather easy to situate living there. Jumin and her had gotten used to it fairly quickly. Every morning, Jaehee would say good morning and Jumin would do the same. They'd get ready for work and leave together. Then come home together and either relax or sleep, it really depended on how the work day was.

Jaehee had been the one to turn on the television today since she was very excited for Zen's big role. Jumin wasn't anywhere near as excited but sat with her anyways, petting Elizabeth III to pass time if he didn't want to watch the show. He could see Jaehee was excited, he knew when she was. Her eyes sparkled, her face relaxed, she smiled largely and she talked in a much higher pitch than he was used to.

She was prettier when she was happy but work seemed to drain all of that from her. He loved that she looked like this even if she was with him, who should be the prime reason for her happiness drain.

He realized he was staring and decided to look at the tv, where Zen was currently in a conflict with another character. It was a type of plot line Jumin was never into. Too much fighting and romance for his taste though Jaehee seemed to not mind it as she was glued to it. He wondered which she liked more, the gushy romance or the brutal fighting. Maybe she just liked that it was Zen.

It was almost fun to wonder what she preferred. He liked being curious about something that he could think about for hours. It was like making up a whole world. Jaehee seemed to be the center of the world he was thinking of at the moment. He could ask but where was the fun in that?

It was nice that Jaehee hasn't noticed his eyes seeming to drift back to her most the time. He couldn't help it, his brain was working overtime on what Jaehee preferred with everything. Did she like this or that? How would she react is I said this? How would she react if I did that?

He knew her fairly well but he didn't know what she liked people to do for her. Was she simple or did she like extravagant? He had his money on simple but he could always be wrong.

"Mr. Han," Jaehee said, making his train of thought disappear. His full attention was on her now but in a "pay attention" sort of way and not a "I wonder" sort.

"Yes?" He responded when she didn't continue.

"Would you like to watch the show instead of me? Or are you okay?" Jumin felt his face turn hot in embarrassment at being caught. He knows he wasn't very charitable with how he divided his staring. He was bound to be caught sometime.

"I just was wondering about you," He said honestly. She smiled and gave a small chuckle.

"Next time, just talk. I'm sure I'll be able to pay attention to you instead of Zen's wonderful performance for a little bit," Jumin concluded she liked that it was Zen acting and not the plot. He gave her a smile that reached his eyes, making them sparkle almost like hers when she was happy.

It was Jaehee's turn to appreciate his smile.


Jumin x Jaehee Drabbles 2Where stories live. Discover now